School of Physics & Astronomy

Image of Adam Gammon-Smith

Adam Gammon-Smith

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science



I am a condensed matter theorist interested primarily in non-equilibrium quantum dynamics, particularly quantum quenches of lattice models. I am also interested in topologically ordered systems, quantum computation and machine learning. My current research focus is on using quantum computers and tools from machine learning to study many-body quantum physics.

I was award an ERC Starting Grant in 2023.

In 2020 I was awarded a research fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. Previously I was at the Technische Universität München in the group of Frank Pollmann. Before this I was a research associate at Imperial College London with Prof. Myungshik Kim and Dr. Johannes Knolle. This position was part of a collobaration between Imperial College and Samsung to simulate quantum systems with the IBM quantum computers. I completed my PhD entitled "Disorder-free Localization" at the University of Cambridge with Dr. Dmitry Kovrizhin. Before that I studied for a Masters in Physics at Cambridge, and did my undergraduate studies at the University of Leeds.

Teaching Summary

I am currently teaching the following modules at the University of Nottingham:

  • PHYS4041 - Introduction to Practical Quantum Computing
  • PHYS4038 - Scientific Programming in Python (led by Mike Smith)

Previous courses:

  • Advanced methods in quantum many-body theory (topic: topological quantum field theory) - TU Munich 2020

I have taught at the following graduate schools:

  • ETN Tensor Network School 2023 - Abingdon (topic: Tensor networks to quantum circuits and back again)
  • Topological Matter School 2022 - San Sebastián (topic: Non-abelian anyons: the basics of topological quantum field theory)
  • School on Topological Phases in Condensed Matter and Ultracold Atoms Systems (IESC) 2022 - Cargèse (topic: Non-abelian anyons: the basics of topological quantum field theory)
  • IMPRS-MPSSE Summer School 2021 - MPI-PKS Dresden (topic: Quantum computing on NISQ devices)

Research Summary

I am primarily interested in non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems. My recent focus is on using quantum computers and tools from machine learning to study condensed matter physics.

You can find more details on my personal website

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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