School of Psychology

3-year funded PhD opportunity available on The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory

We are currently recruiting a PhD candidate to join the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham. The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr. Roni Tibon. There is scope for the candidate to develop their own PhD project, within the main research interests of the lab. These include: the neurocognitive mechanisms that shape our memories, their interactions with other cognitive systems, and how they change throughout the lifespan; the large-scale brain networks that are involved in these interactions; the dynamics of these cognitive and neural mechanisms.


The successful candidate will be based in the School of Psychology at the University of Nottingham. The studentship is funded by the Faculty of Science and will provide a stipend to cover living costs and will cover Home University fees (annual stipend estimated £15,609, home fee estimated £4,496). International students may apply, but the studentship will not cover international fees. Interested international students should contact Dr. Roni Tibon.


The starting date is from 1st October 2022.  




Candidates should have a Bachelor’s degree (minimum 2:1 or equivalent) or a (preferably) Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, or a related field.


Essential: The successful candidate will have a strong interest in cognitive neuroscience, strong written and verbal communication skills, and should have some experience with data analysis, quantitative methods, or programming.


Desirable: Experience with collecting and/or analysing electro- and/or neurophysiological data; experience with Matlab, Python, or R.


Informal enquiries can be directed to Roni Tibon (


How to apply


All applications are to be made directly to the University, selecting PhD Psychology (36 months duration) as the course.

Please apply at


In the research proposal section please only include “Roni Tibon advertised PhD position” in the title. You are required to upload the following documents to your application: 

  • C.V. 
  • Degree certificate and transcript (if already graduated) or a recent transcript
  • Personal statement (maximum 2 pages) about why the candidate is interested in pursuing a PhD in psychology/neuroscience, any relevant research experience, and a brief outline for an experiment or study the candidate would be interested in conducting that they believe could fit within the overall topic.
  • The details (email addresses) of two referees that we can contact. One of the references must be academic.  


If you have any questions about the application process through MyNottingham, please contact for further advice. 


Deadline:         Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Posted on Thursday 10th March 2022

School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

For all enquires please visit: