Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre

3 Tesla GE Premier MRI Scanner

The GE Premier 3 Tesla (3T) MRI scanner is one of the latest scanners in the GE range and is built around a 3rd generation, short-bore, superconducting 3T magnet.

The scanner is user-friendly for both researchers and volunteers and, working with GE. We have developed a comprehensive suite of applications to undertake a variety of scanning protocols.

GE Premier-465

GE Premier, Medical school, QMC

This MRI system is equipped with a broad range of coils, for use in neurological, musculoskeletal and vascular research fields.

  • fMRI
  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging
  • Tractography
  • MR Angiography
  • Perfusion
  • Spectroscopy

A Solaris Power Injector is available for the administration of contrast and the 3T is equipped with MRI compatible physiological monitoring equipment.

Lead Research Radiographer Andrew Cooper examining a brain - GE 3T MRI Scanner, Medical School, QMC
Lead Research Radiographer Andrew Cooper holding a GE 3T MRI scanner 32 channel headcoil - Medical School, QMC
Lead Research Radiographer Andrew Cooper holding a GE 3T MRI scanner 32 channel headcoil - Medical School, QMC
Lead Research Radiographer Andrew Cooper examining a brain - GE 3T MRI Scanner, Medical School, QMC