

Modern Language Studies with Foundation Year BA Hons

...and Employability Service. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

International Media and Communications Studies with Foundation Year BA Hons

...and Communications students. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

French Studies with Foundation Year BA

...and Employability Service. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Veterinary Medicine and Surgery BVMBVS with BVMedSci

...skills in selecting and applying for jobs. The aims of the module are to provide students...

Industrial Economics BSc Hons

...after in the job market, going on to...Samsung, and Santander. Job prospects Average starting

History and History of Art BA Jt Hons these competitive, highly skilled jobs? What is ‘creativity’ and why is it...

Theology and Religious Studies with Foundation Year BA Hons

...and Employability Service. Job prospects Average starting...

Mathematics (International Study) BSc Hons

...techniques they have developed for jobs in: data analytics engineering finance medicine...

Criminology BA Hons

...other governmental departments. Job prospects Average starting...further; assisting with job or course applications, searching

Statistics BSc Hons

...your CV when you start applying for jobs The Nottingham Internship Scheme provides...
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