School of Sociology and Social Policy

Extra care supported housing for dementia

Jubilee Campus, Room B01, Sir Colin Campbell Building
Thursday 8th February 2018 (11:30-12:30)
To register your attendance or for further information please email

Centre for Dementia Seminar Series 2018

Speaker: Teresa Atkinson, Senior Research Fellow, Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester


Extra Care Housing (ECH) emerged in the UK during the 1980's and has grown in popularity due to its ability to support older people to live well at home by remaining independent and in control of how and where they live, along with a strong desire among many people to avoid moving to residential care.

For many commissioners, it has been seen as a more 'homely' alternative to care homes with the potential to save money in the longer term. ECH can also be viewed as a vehicle for addressing a wide range of policy objectives, including personalisation, social inclusion and prevention. It is also widely perceived as an appropriate setting for supporting people to live well with dementia through a range of features including dementia friendly approaches to delivering care and environmental design.

However, how best to provide ECH that meets the needs of all people living with dementia is still open to debate and needs further exploration. This seminar will consider the benefits and challenges for people living with dementia in Extra Care Housing. It will draw on the findings from two NIHR funded projects undertaken by the Association for Dementia Studies in addition to wider perspectives and consultancy.

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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