WasteNott — the plastics challenge

WasteNott funding

We want to support students and colleagues to reduce and replace single-use plastic and disposable items across the University.

Supported by the proceeds of the latte levy first implemented across University managed cafes in September 2018, we are offering funding for items or infrastructure in your office, department or student society to phase out single-use plastics and disposables.

Your application might be for reusable glasses to replace disposable plastic cups next to water fountains, purchase of china mugs for staff and vistors to reduce the need for single-use coffee cups. or another idea to tackle single-use plastics.

UoN KeepCup and WasteNott banner

 To apply for funding:

  1. Download the application form MS Word Icon
  2. Fill in the details required, including the amount requested and evidence of cost, as well as the expected impact on reducing overall waste 
  3. Email your completed application form to wastenott@nottingham.ac.uk 

Funding will be available on a first come, first served basis up to the final date of 12 June 2020.

Funding is limited to £300 per application: further information is available in the application form.


Frequently asked questions

Who can apply to the WasteNott fund?

Current students and members of University and Students' Union staff are able to apply.

If your proposal is aimed within a School or department make sure you have spoken to the relevant individuals within your department before sending through your completed application form.

We can accept applications from Students' Union societies, Athletics Union clubs as well as hall committees. If you are not applying on behalf of a student group or society, please email us to discuss in more detail.

How can I maximise the success of my application?
Make sure that as far as possible you show how your project will reduce overall waste generated, for example by eliminating single-use cups. Applications that outline the contribution from your department or student society will be viewed favourably. 
What about a sustainability project that does not address disposables or single-use plastics?
Current students and staff can also apply to the Environment Initiatives Fund which offers funding for projects that address many facets of sustainability.

Sustainability Team

Estate Office
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: sustainability@nottingham.ac.uk
