WANG, RUFANG, ANGENENT, GERCO C., SEYMOUR, GRAHAM and DE MAAGD, RUUD A., 2020. Revisiting the Role of Master Regulators in Tomato Ripening TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 25(3), 291-301 WANG, DUODUO, SAMSULRIZAL, NURUL H., YANG, CHENG, ALLCOCK, NATALIE S., CRAIGON, JIM, BLANCO-ULATE, BARBARA, ORTEGA-SALAZAR, ISABEL, MARCUS, SUSAN E., BAGHERI, HASSAN MOEINIYAN, PEREZ-FONS, LAURA, FRASER, PAUL D., FOSTER, TIMOTHY, FRAY, RUPERT, KNOX, J. PAUL and SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B., 2019. Characterization of CRISPR Mutants Targeting Genes Modulating Pectin Degradation in Ripening Tomato PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. 179(2), 544-557 WANG, DUODUO, YEATS, TREVOR H., ULUISIK, SELMAN, ROSE, JOCELYN K. C. and SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B., 2018. Fruit Softening: Revisiting the Role of Pectin TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 23(4), 302-310 WANG D, 2017. Tomato Flavor: Lost and Found? Molecular Plant. 10(6), 782-784 BARTON, N.A., MARSH, B.J., LEWIS, W., NARRAIDOO, N., SEYMOUR, G.B., FRAY, R.G. and HAYES, C.J., 2016. Accessing low-oxidation state taxanes: Is taxadiene-4(5)-epoxide on the taxol biosynthetic pathway Chemical Science. GALLUSCI, P., HODGMAN, T.C., TEYSSIER, E. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2016. DNA Methylation and Chromatin
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Development and Ripening Frontiers in Plant Science. 7, 807 ULUISIK, S., CHAPMAN, N.H., SMITH, R., POOLE, M., ADAMS, G., GILLIS, R.B., BESONG, T.M.D., SHELDON, J., STIEGELMEYER, S., PEREZ, L., SAMSULRIZAL, N., WANG, D., FISK, I.D., YANG, N., BAXTER, C., RICKETT, D., FRAY, R., BLANCO-ULATE, B., POWELL, A.L.T., HARDING, S.E., CRAIGON, J., ROSE, J.K.C., FICH, E.A., SUN, L., DOMOZYCH, D.S., FRASER, P.D., TUCKER, G.A., GRIERSON, D. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2016. Genetic improvement of tomato by targeted control of fruit softening Nature Biotechnology. 34(9), doi:10.1038/nbt.3602 CHEN, WEIWEI, KONG, JUNHUA, QIN, CHENG, YU, SHENG, TAN, JINJUAN, CHEN, YUN-RU, WU, CHAOQUN, WANG, HUI, SHI, YAN, LI, CHUNYANG, LI, BIN, ZHANG, PENGCHENG, WANG, YING, LAI, TONGFEI, YU, ZHIMING, ZHANG, XIAN, SHI, NONGNONG, WANG, HUIZHONG, OSMAN, TOBA, LIU, YULE, MANNING, KENNETH, JACKSON, STEPHEN, ROLIN, DOMINIQUE, ZHONG, SILIN, SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B., GALLUSCI, PHILIPPE and HONG, YIGUO, 2015. Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for somatic inheritance of the spontaneous tomato epimutation Colourless non-ripening SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 5, MALEKPOOR MANSOORKHANI, F, SEYMOUR, G B, SWARUP, R, MOEINIYAN BAGHERI, H, RAMSEY, R J L and THOMPSON, A J, 2015. Environmental, developmental, and genetic factors controlling root system architecture. Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews. 30(1-2), 95-112 LIU R, HOW-KIT A, STAMMITTIA L, TEYSSIERA E, ROLINA D, MORTAIN-BERTRANDA A, HALLEA S, LIUC M, KONGE J, WUE C, DEGRAEVE-GUIBAULTA C, CHAPMAN NH, MAUCOURTA M, HODGMAN TC, TOST J, BOUZAYEN M, HONG Y, SEYMOUR GB, GIOVANNONI JJ and GALLUSCI P, 2015. A DEMETER-like DNA demethylase governs tomato fruit ripening Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(34), 10804-9 PAN Y, BRADLEY G, PYKE K, BALL G, LU C, FRAY R, MARSHAL A, AYASUTA S, BAXTER C, WIJK R V, BOYDEN L, CADE R, CHAPMAN NH, FRASER PD, HODGMAN C and SEYMOUR G, 2014. Network Inference Analysis Identifies an APRR2-Like Gene Linked to Pigment Accumulation in Tomato and Pepper Fruits Plant Physiology. 161, 1476-1485 KARLOVA R, CHAPMAN N, DAVID K, ANGENENT GC, SEYMOUR GB and DE MAAGD RA, 2014. Transcriptional control of fleshy fruit development Journal of Experimental Botany. 65(16), 4527-4541 PEREZ-FONS, LAURA, WELLS, TOM, COROL, DELIA I., WARD, JANE L., GERRISH, CHRISTOPHER, BEALE, MICHAEL H., SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B., BRAMLEY, PETER M. and FRASER, PAUL D., 2014. A genome-wide metabolomic resource for tomato fruit from Solanum pennellii SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 4, SEYMOUR GB, CHAPMAN NH, CHEW BL and ROSE JKC, 2013. Regulation of ripening and opportunities for control in tomato and other fruits. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 11(3), 269-278 SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B, OSTERGAARD, LARS, CHAPMAN, NATALIE H, KNAPP, SANDRA and MARTIN, CATHIE, 2013. Fruit development and ripening. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 64, 219-41 PAN, Y., SEYMOUR, G.B., LU, C., HU, Z., CHEN, X. and CHEN, G., 2012. An ethylene response factor (ERF5) promoting adaptation to drought and salt tolerance in tomato Plant Cell Reports. 31(2), 349-360 CHAPMAN NH, BONNET J, GRIVET L, LYNN J, GRAHAM N, SMITH R, SUN G, WALLEY PG, POOLE M, CAUSSE M, KING GJ, BAXTER C and SEYMOUR GB, 2012. High resolution mapping of a fruit firmness-related qtl in tomato reveals epistatic interactions associated with a complex combinatorial locus. Plant physiology. 159, 1644-1657 LAHAYE M, QUEMENER B, CAUSSE M and SEYMOUR GB, 2012. Hemicellulose fine structure is affected differently during ripening of tomato lines with contrasted texture. International journal of biological macromolecules. 51(4), 462-70 SEYMOUR, G.B., RYDER, C.D., CEVIK, V., HAMMOND, J.P., POPOVICH, A., KING, G.J., VREBALOV, J., GIOVANNONI, J.J. and MANNING, K., 2011. A SEPALLATA gene is involved in the development and ripening of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) fruit, a non-climacteric tissue Journal of Experimental Botany. 62(3), 1179-1188 VOLKAN CEVIK, CAROL D. RYDER, ALEXANDRA POPOVICH, KENNETH MANNING, GRAHAM J. KING and GRAHAM B. SEYMOUR, 2010. A FRUITFULL-like gene is associated with genetic variation for fruit flesh firmness in apple (Malus domestica Borkh). Tree Genetics and Genomes. 6, 271-279 JAAKOLA, L., POOLE,MM, JONES, M.O., KÄMÄRÄINEN-KARPPINEN, T., KOSKIMÄKI, J.J., HOHTOLA, A., HÄGGMAN, H., FRASER, P.D., MANNING, K., KING, G.J., THOMSON, H. and SEYMOUR GB, 2010. A SQUAMOSA MADS box gee involved in the regulation of anthocyanin accumulation in bilberry fruits. Plant Physiology. 153(4), 1619-29 FERNANDEZ, A.I., VIRON, N., ALHAGDOW, M., KARIMI, M., JONES, M., AMSELLEM, Z., SICARD, A., CZEREDNIK, A., ANGENENT, G., GRIERSON, D., MAY, S, SEYMOUR, G, ESHED, Y and LEMAIRE-CHAMLEY, ROTHAN, C. AND H, 2009. Flexible tools for gene expression and silencing in tomato Plant Physiology. doi.10.1104/pp.109.147546 MUELLER, L.A., LANKHORST, R.K., TANKSLEY, S.D., GIOVANNONI, J.J., WHITE, R., VREBALOV, J., FEI, Z., VAN ECK, J., BUELS, R., MILLS, A.A., MENDA, N., TECLE, I.Y., BOMBARELY, A., STACK, S., ROYER, S.M. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2009. A snapshot of the emerging tomato genome sequence Plant Genome. 2(1), 78-92 FABI, J.P., CORDENUNSI, B.R., SEYMOUR, G.B., LAJOLA, F.M. and DO NASCIMENTO, J.R.O., 2009. Molecular cloning and characterization of a ripening-induced polygalacturonase related to papaya fruit softening Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 47, 1075-1081 VREBALOV, J., PAN, I.L., MATAS ARROYO, A.J., MCQUINN, R., CHUNG, M-Y., POOLE, M., ROSE, J., SEYMOUR, G., GRANDILLO, S., GIOVANNONI, J. and IRISH, V.F., 2009. Freshy fruit expansion and ripening are regulated by the tomato SHATTERPROOF gene TAGL1 Plant Cell. doi.10.1105/tpc.109.066936 KOVACS, KATALIN, FRAY, RUPERT G., TIKUNOV, YURY, GRAHAM, NEIL, BRADLEY, GLYN, SEYMOUR, GRAHAM B., BOVY, ARNAUD G. and GRIERSON, DONALD, 2009. Effect of tomato pleiotropic ripening mutations on flavour volatile biosynthesis PHYTOCHEMISTRY. 70(8), 1003-1008 SEYMOUR G, POOLE M, MANNING K and KING GJ, 2008. Genetics And Epigenetics Of Fruit Development And Ripening. Current Opinion In Plant Biology. 11(1), 58-63 PILCHER, R.L, MOXON, S., PAKSERESHT, N., MOULTON, V., MANNING, K. and SEYMOUR, G. AND DALMAY, T., 2007. Identification of novel small RNAs in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Planta. 226, 709-717 MANNING, K., TOR, M., POOLE M., HONG, Y., THOMPSON, A.J., KING, G.J., GIOVANNONI, J.J. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2006. A naturally occurring epigenetic mutation in a gene encoding an SBP-box transcription factor inhibits tomato fruit ripening Nature Genetics. 38(8), 948-952 BARRY, C.S., MCQUINN, R.P., THOMPSON, A.J., SEYMOUR, G.B., GRIERSON, D. and GIOVANNONI, J.J., 2005. Ethylene insensitivity conferred by the Green-ripe and Never-ripe 2 ripening mutants of tomato Plant Physiology. VOL 138(NUMB 1), 267-275 MUELLER, L.A, TANKSLEY, S.D, GIOVANNONI J.J, VAN ECK J, STACK, S, CHOI, D, KIM, BD, CHEN, M.S, CHENG ZK, LI, C.Y, LING, H.Q, XUE, Y.B, SEYMOUR, G.B, BISHOP, G, BRYAN, SHARMA, R and KHURANA J., 2005. The tomato sequencing project, the first corner stone of the International Solanaceae Project (SOL). Comparative and Functional Genomics. 6, 153-158 SEYMOUR, G.B. AND BISHOP, G., 2005. Breeding better varieties through the tomato genome sequencing programme. The Grower. 18-19
ERIKSSON, E.M., BOVY, A., MANNING, K., HARRISON, L., ANDREWS, J., DE SILVA, J., TUCKER, G.A. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2004. Effect of the Colorless non-ripening mutation on cell wall biochemistry and gene expression during tomato fruit development and ripening Plant Physiology. 136(4), 4184-4307 MARIN, C., SMITH, D., MANNING, K., ORCHARD, J. and SEYMOUR, G.B., 2003. Pectate lyase gene expression and enzyme activity in ripening banana fruit. Plant Molecular Biology. 51(6), 851-7 SEYMOUR, G.B and MANNING, K. AND KING, G.J., 2003. A New Frontier in Fruit Ripening Research. The Grower. 14-15
SEYMOUR, G.B and DODDS, C. AND TUCKER, G.A., 2003. Cell adhesion in plant, microbial and animal systems. Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews. 21, 123-130
TUCKER, GREG and SEYMOUR, GRAHAM, 2002. Life on the vine. Nature Biotechnology. 20(6), 558-60 MARIN-RODRIGUEZ, M. C., ORCHARD, J. and SEYMOUR, G. B., 2002. Pectate lyases, cell wall degradation and fruit softening Journal of Experimental Botany. VOL 53(ISSU 377), 2115-2120 SEYMOUR, G. B., MANNING, K., ERIKSSON, E. M., POPOVICH, A. H. and KING, G. J., 2002. Genetic identification and genomic organization of factors affecting fruit texture Journal of Experimental Botany. VOL 53(ISSU 377), 2065-2072 ORFILA, C., HUISMAN, M. M., WILLATS, W. G., VAN ALEBEEK, G.-J. W., SCHOLS, H. A., SEYMOUR, G. B. and KNOX, J. P., 2002. Altered cell wall disassembly during ripening of Cnr tomato fruit: implications for cell adhesion and fruit softening Planta. VOL 215(PART 3), 440-447 KNOX, J. P. (J. PAUL) and SEYMOUR, G. B. (GRAHAM B.), 2002. Pectins and their manipulation: edited by Graham B. Seymour and J. Paul Knox Oxford : Blackwell, 2002.
SEYMOUR, G.B., MANNING, K., ERIKSSON, E.M and POPOVICH A.H. AND KING, GJ, 2002. Genetic identification and genomic organisation of factors affecting fruit texture. Journal of Experimental Botany. 53, 2065-2071 TOR, M, MANNING, K, KING, G.J, THOMPSON, A.J, JONES, G.H and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND ARMSTRONG, S. J., 2002. Genetic analysis and FISH mapping of the Colourless non-ripening locus of tomato. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 40, 165-170
SEYMOUR G.B. AND TUCKER, G.A., 2002. Modification and degradation of pectins.. In: G.B. SEYMOUR & J.P. KNOX, ed., Pectins and their Manipulation Blackwell Publishing. 250 (In Press.)
CAREY, A.T., SMITH, D.L., HARRISON, E., BIRD, C.R., GROSS, K.C., SEYMOUR, G.B. and TUCKER, G.A., 2001. Down-regulation of a ripening-related β-galactosidase gene (TBG1) in transgenic tomato fruits Journal of Experimental Botany. 52(357), 663-668
ORFILA, C., SEYMOUR, G.B., WILLATS, W.G.T., HUXHAM, I.M., JARVIS, M.C., DOVER, C.J., THOMPSON, A.J. and KNOX, J.P., 2001. Altered middle lamella homogalacturonan and disrupted deposition of (1→5)-ά-L-arabinan in the pericarp of Cnr, a ripening mutant of tomato Plant Physiology. 126(1), 210-221 SEYMOUR, G. B. AND MANNING, K., 2001. In: M. KNEE, ed., Fruit quality and its biological basis Sheffield Academic Press. 277
KING, G. J., LYNN, J. R., DOVER, C. J., EVANS, K. M. and SEYMOUR, G. B., 2001. Resolution of quantitative trait loci for mechanical measures accounting for genetic variation in fruit texture of apple (Malus pumila Mill.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics. VOL 102(PART 8), 1227-1235 JOHNSON, D. S, SEYMOUR, G. B, DOVER, C. J and SAMUELSON, T. J. & SHAKESPEARE, L., 2001. Investigation of textural quality development and post-harvest softening in Cox's Orange Pippin apples In: Innovative Approaches to Improving Food Quality. 1
SEYMOUR, G. B, TOR, M, MANNING, K, KING, G. J, THOMPSON, A. J and ARMSTRONG, S. J. & JONES, G. H., 2001. FISH mapping on meiotic pachytene chromosome of tomato localises the Cnr gene to the euchromatin of the long arm of chromosome 2 In: Plant & Animal Genome IX Conference.
JOHNSON, D, DOVER, C, SAMUELSON,T, HUXHAM, I.M, JARVIS, M.C and SHAKESPEARE, L. AND SEYMOUR, G.B., 2001. Nitrogen, cell walls and texture of stored Cox's Orange Pippin Apples Acta Horticulture. 564, 105-112
JOHNSON, D. S, SEYMOUR, G. B, DOVER, C. J and SAMUELSON, T. J. & SHAKESPEARE, L., 2001. Investigation of textural quality development and post-harvest softening in Cox's Orange Pippin apples In: Innovative Approaches to Improving Food Quality. 1
THOMPSON, A.J., BARRY, C.S., JARVIS, M.C., GIOVANNONI, J.J., GRIERSON, D and SEYMOUR, G.B., 1999. Molecular and genetic characterization of a novel pleiotropic tomato-ripening mutant Plant Physiology. 120(2), 383-90 BIRD, C. R, FRAY, R. G, GRIERSON, D, SCHUCH, W and SEYMOUR, G. B. & TUCKER, G. A., 1999. Co-ordinated inhibition of plant gene expression US Patent No. US5942 01/01/1900 00:00:00
DRURY, R., HOERTENSTEINER, S., DONNISON, I., BIRD, C. R. and SEYMOUR, G. B., 1999. Chlorophyll catabolism and gene expression in the peel of ripening banana fruits Physiologia Plantarum. VOL 107(NUMBER 1), 32-38 JOHNSON, D, DOVER, C and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND SHAKESPEARE, L, 1999. Investigation of textural quality development and postharvest softening in Cox's orange pippin apples APRC News. 22, 6-8
BIRD, C. R, HOLT, K. A, PICARD, S, SCHUCH, W, CAREY, A. T and SEYMOUR, G. B. & TUCKER, G. A., 1999. Modified fruit containing galactanase transgene. US Patent No. US5859 01/01/1900 00:00:00
MEDINA-SUAREZ, R, MANNING, K, FLETCHER, J, AKED, J and BIRD, C. R. & SEYMOUR, G. B., 1999. Musa acuminata mRNA; 46 Sequences EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
HUXHAM, I. M., JARVIS, M. C., SHAKESPEARE, L., DOVER, C. J., JOHNSON, D., KNOX, J. P. and SEYMOUR, G. B., 1999. Electron-energy-loss spectroscopic imaging of calcium and nitrogen in the cell walls of apple fruits Planta. VOL 208(NUMBER 3), 438-443 DRURY, R and BIRD, C.R. AND SEYMOUR, G.B., 1998. In: K.E. COCKSHULL, D.GRAY, G.B.SEYMOUR AND B. THOMAS., ed., Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops. CAB International, Oxford. 41-49
COCKSHULL, K.E, GRAY, D and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND THOMAS, eds., 1998. Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops. CAB International, Oxford.
BIRD, C. R and MEDINA-SUAREZ, R. & SEYMOUR, G. B., 1998. Genetic control of fruit ripening World Patent Applica 01/01/1900 00:00:00
MEDINA-SUAREZ, R, MANNING, K, FLETCHER, J, AKED, J and BIRD, C. R. & SEYMOUR, G. B., 1997. Musa acuminata mRNA; 46 Sequences EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
SEYMOUR, G. B. & THOMPSON, A. J., 1997. Potential of molecular biology for manipulating tomato fruit ripening In: HDC/HRA/HRI Tomato Conference. 14
MEDINA-SUAREZ, R., MANNING, K., FLETCHER, J., AKED, J., BIRD, C. R. and SEYMOUR, G. B., 1997. Gene Expression in the Pulp of Ripening Bananas: Two-Dimensional Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of in Vitro Translation Products and cDNA Cloning of 25 Different Ripening-Related mRNAs Plant Physiology. VOL 115(NUMBER 2), 453-461 JONES, L.J and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND KNOX, J.P., 1997. Characterisation of a monoclonal antibody probe to pectic beta-1,4-galactans and immunolocalisation in tomato cell walls. Plant Physiology. 113, 1405-1412
SEYMOUR, G.B. AND GROSS, K.C., 1996. Cell wall disassembly and fruit softening. Postharvest News and Information. 7, 45N-52N
CAREY, A T, HOLT, K, PICARD, S, WILDE, R, TUCKER, G A, BIRD, C R, SCHUCH, W and SEYMOUR, G B, 1995. Tomato exo-(1-->4)-beta-D-galactanase. Isolation, changes during ripening in normal and mutant tomato fruit, and characterization of a related cDNA clone. Plant Physiology. 108(3), 1099-107 MUDA, P., SEYMOUR, G. B., ERRINGTON, N. and TUCKER, G. A., 1995. Compositional changes in cell wall polymers during mango fruit ripening Carbohydrate Polymers. VOL 26(NUMBER 4), 255 CAREY, A. T, HOLT, K, PICARD, S, WILDE, R, TUCKER, G. A, BIRD, C. R and SCHUCH, W. AND SEYMOUR, G. B., 1995. Lycopersicon esculentum beta-alactosidase/galactanase protein (putative) EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases, Accession no. X83854.
FENWICK, K.M, JARVIS, M.C, APPERLEY, D.C and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND BIRD, C.R., 1995. Polymer mobility in cell walls of transgenic tomatoes with reduced polygalacturonase activity. Phytochemistry. 42, 301-307 HALL, L.N., BIRD, C.R., PICTON, S., TUCKER, G.A., SEYMOUR, G.B. and GRIERSON, D., 1994. Molecular characterisation of cDNA clones representing pectin esterase isoenzymes from tomato Plant Molecular Biology. 25, 313-318 SEYMOUR, G. B., FRAY, R. G., HILL, P. and TUCKER, G. A., 1993. Down-regulation of two non-homologous endogenous tomato genes with a single chimaeric sense gene construct Plant Molecular Biology. VOL 23(NUMBER 1), 1 HALL, L.N, TUCKER, G.A, SMITH, C.J.S, WATSON, C.F, SEYMOUR, G.B, BUNDICK, Y, BONIWELL, J.M, FLETCHER, J.D, RAY, J.A, SCHUCH, W and BIRD, C.R. AND GRIERSON, D., 1993. Antisense inhibition of pectin esterase gene expression in transgenic tomatoes. The Plant Journal. 3, 121-129 SEYMOUR, G. B and EDWARDS, R. & HOBSON, G. E. (1993)., 1993. The chelator EDTA overcomes a genetic block to tomato fruit ripening Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 131-132
SEYMOUR, G.B., 1993. In: G.B. SEYMOUR, J.E. TAYLOR AND G.A. TUCKER, ed., Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening. Chapman and Hall, London, New York. 83-106
SEYMOUR, G.B. AND MCGLASSON, W.B., 1993. In: G.B. SEYMOUR, J. E. TAYLOR AND G.A. TUCKER, ed., Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening. Chapman and Hall, London, New York. 274-290
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TUCKER, G. A. & SEYMOUR, G. B., 1992. Cell wall degradation during ripening of mango fruit Acta Horticulturae. 291, 454-460
TUCKER, G.A, SEYMOUR, G.B, LASSLETT, Y, ROBERTSON, D, HALL, L, SMITH, C.J.S, BIRD, C.R and SCHUCH, W. AND GRIERSON, D., 1992. Use of antisense RNA technology to study pectin degradation in tomato fruit. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 20, 119-124
POGSON, B.J, SEYMOUR, G. B, BRADY, C.J and JONES, M. AND GOODCHILD, D., 1992. Immunolocalisation of pectinases in tomato fruit. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science. 20, 137-146
SEYMOUR, G.B and WAINWRIGHT, H. AND TUCKER, G.A., 1991. Cell wall changes in ripening fruit Acta Horticulturae. 269, 249-255
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SMITH, N.J.S and SEYMOUR, G.B. AND THOMPSON, A.K., 1985. Effect of high temperature on the ripening response of bananas to acetylene. Annals of Applied Biology. 108, 667-672 THOMPSON, A.K. AND SEYMOUR, G.B., 1982. Comparative effects of acetylene and ethylene gas on initiation of banana ripening. Annals of Applied Biology. 101, 407-410
HUTCHINSON, C.S. AND SEYMOUR, G.B., 1982. Biological flora of the British Isles, Poa annua L. Journal of Ecology. 70, 887-901
HUGHES, P.A, THOMPSON, A.K and PLUMBLEY, R.A. AND SEYMOUR, G.B., 1981. Storage of capsicums (Capsicum annuum L. (Sendt)) under controlled atmosphere, modified atmosphere and hypobaric conditions. Journal of Horticultural Science. 56(3), 261-265
SEYMOUR, G.B, THOMPSON, A.K and HUGHES, P.A. AND PLUMBLEY, R.A., 1980. The influence of hydrocooling and plastic box liners on the market quality of capsicums (Capsicum annuum) Acta Horticulturae. 116, 191-196