School of Biosciences

Image of Alison Tidy

Alison Tidy

Research Fellow, Faculty of Science



Dr. Alison Tidy is a Research Fellow in Prof. Zoe Wilson's lab group, in Plant and Crop Sciences.

Current Research areas are focused on understanding male development in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica which includes;

  • Understanding the dynamics involved tapetal development pathway in anthers.
  • Further understanding the role of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORE in the regulation of tapetal development.
  • Programmed cell death in male development
  • Heat and cold stress during flower development

Dr. Alison Tidy (previously Ferguson) obtained her BSc. Hons in Biotechnology at the Univerisity of Nottingham in 2007. She then completed her Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham under the supervision of Dr. Ranjan Swarup in 2012, before joining Prof. Zoe Wilson's lab as a Research Fellow.

Research Summary

Current Research areas include;

Understanding the effects of heat and cold treatment during flowering in Brassica. Developing regulatory networks for further understanding of the tapetum and pollen development within plants using a system targeted approach. This is being achieved by focusing on known mutants and using different techniques such as transcriptomics, ChIP analysis, Yeast-1-hybrid, protein-protein interaction, mutant studies and fluorescent tags to construct and functionally test the resulting networks.

Dr. Alison Tidy has been involved in a number of public engagement activities including

  • Developing a children's picture book around Plant Science 2019-2020
  • After school science club - Sunny Side Spencer Academy 2019
  • Peterborough STEM festival 2019
  • Festival of Science and Curosity 2019
  • Bluecoat Beechdale University Visits 2017

Past Research

Past Research areas include;

  • CT scanning of Monocots during flowering as a technique to non-destructively stage material
  • Understanding the role of AXR4 in AUX1/LAX family in protein transport from the ER to the plasma membrane
  • Discovering novel ER accessory proteins in Arabidopis thaliana involved in escorting, guiding or transporting membrane proteins from the ER to their final destination

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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