Twitter ID: razda5
2018 - Current: Associate Professor
2015 - 2018: Nottingham Research Fellow (Probationary Lecturer)
2013-2015: Newton International Fellow (University of Nottingham)
2011-2013: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow (UGent, Belgium)
Jun 2007- May 2011 PhD research (UQ, Australia)
2005-2007 - Research Officer (QLD DPI&F, Australia - Forestry Research)
Selected Awards:
2021: Nominated best dissertation supervisory by students
2020: Nominated Lord Dearing Education Award
2019 & 2020: nominated Jan Anderson Award (Australian Society of Plant Science)
2017: UoN nominee for Philip Leverhulme Prize (Early Career academic)
2015: Rank Prize New Lecturer Award
2009: UniQuest Trailblazer open winner (Commercialisation competition)
2009: Queensland International Fellowship (PhD exchange to Europe)
2004: The 2004 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (RIRDC)
Expertise Summary
Teaching Summary
Module Convenor:
BIOS1060: GIS in Environmental Management; Level 1 compulsory (approx 100 students per year)
BIOS3015: Plants and the Soil Environment; Level 3 optional (approx 40 students per year)
Module Contributor:
Life on Earth (1st year UG; ~200 students);
Habitat Management (1st year UG, ~20 students);
Field Skills plant ID unit (2nd year UG; ~100 students);
Forest Ecology (2nd year UG; ~100 students);
Undergraduate Research Projects (3rd year UG; 6-8 per year);
Personal tutees (6-8 per year group)
Education Publications
Peer review papers
Wang Q, and Rasmussen A (2020) CO-VID-EO: resilient hybrid learning strategies to explicitly teach team skills in undergraduate students. Authorea pre-prints
Hartman, T, Lydon S, Rasmussen A, (2019) Hunting for Answers: using treasure hunt software to link lecture material with the real world, Plants People Planet (ethics BIO-1718-0003)
Rasmussen A, Rossini R, and Kuchel L. (2011) Is it worth taking time out of first year science courses to explicitly teach team skills? IN: Krause, K., Buckridge, M., Grimmer, C. and Purbrick-Illek, S. (Eds.) Research and Development in Higher Education: Reshaping Higher Education, 34: 238 - 252). Gold Coast, Australia, 4 - 7 July 2011.
Book chapters
Rasmussen A and Kuchel L (2023) How to Be a Functional Team Member (Chapter 65) pgs 513-519. IN Susan Rowland and Louise Kuchel (Eds): Teaching Science Students to Communicate: A Practical Guide, 978-3-030-91627-5, 509712_1_En. Book accessed 32,000 times.
Shaw P and Rasmussen A (2022) Assignments with Significance Faculty Focus 12th October 2022, (within the first week, this article had been viewed 4,600 times; currently at 10,744 views.
Conference contributions
Talk: Rasmussen A (2019) Getting students Mobile: Using a treasure hunt mobile app to link lectures to the real world. SEB Seville, Spain, 2-5th July
Talk: Rasmussen A (2019) Hunting for Answers: linking lectures with the real world using a mobile treasure hunt app. University of Nottingham Teaching and Learning Conference 3rd May 2019
Poster: Rasmussen A (2019) Coz I'm Appy! Linking lectures with the real world using a mobile treasure hunt app. ASPB Plant Biology, San Jose, US, 3-7th August.
Poster: RS Wilson, AC Niehaus, J White, A Rasmussen, L Kuchel (2009) Using video documentary-making to enhance learning in large first year Biology classes, Integrative and Comparative Biology 49, E325-E325
Amanda Rasmussen. Episode 9 - Creativity in the sciences: using hybrid online-in person teaching strategies for resilient education (1st June 2020). Digital Education Practices Podcast. Link
Research Summary
I'm a plant ecophysiologist so I'm interested in how plants respond to their environment. In particular my lab studies adventitious (stem) root physiology from regulation of their formation and… read more
Current Research
I'm a plant ecophysiologist so I'm interested in how plants respond to their environment. In particular my lab studies adventitious (stem) root physiology from regulation of their formation and emergence to differences in anatomy and how they take up water and nutrients.
Key projects:
Woody cutting propagation.
2022-2025: Tree Production Innovation Fund, (Forestry Commission): £496,840
2022-2025: Knowledge Transfer Partnership (Innovate UK and Whetman Plants International): £310,744
2022-2026: CASE DTP studentship (BBSRC and WPI)
Functional differences between maize root types.
2021-2023: Royal Society International Exchange Grant (with Erin Sparks, UDel): £12,000
2021-2025: Named collaborator on funding to Erin Sparks (NSF): $478,844 (USD)
Previously funded by Nottingham Research Fellowship, Rank Prize New Lecturer award, BBSRC DTP Studentship.
Apple root physiology. Funded by CTP PhD studentship in collaboration with NIAB-EMR.
Aerial roots and the indoor plantsphere
2022-2026: PhD research project
More detail on our current research can be found at: