School of Biosciences

Image of Nagamani Bora

Nagamani Bora

Programme Director Biotechnology, University Academic Lead Race Equality Charter, Faculty of Science



Dr Nagamani Bora is Associate Professor and Director for Biotechnology Degree Programmes. Prior to this she worked as a Senior Lecturer in Microbial Technology at De Montfort University, as a Senior Research Fellow at Aston University on EPSRC funded project between industry and academia, as a Senior Scientist at Avecia Biotechnology developing therapeutic proteins and as a Research Associate at Newcastle University understanding the diversity and dynamics of starter cultures on European smear ripened cheeses. She graduated with a Genetics and Biochemistry degree from India and continued to specialize in Industrial Biotechnology in her MSc and PhD (2000-2005) from University of Newcastle, UK.

Nagamani is Chair for Biotechnology Teaching Theme, Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy and Fellow of Royal Society of Biology. She was nominated as the 'Inspirational Woman in Biotechnology-2019' -

In her current role she looks at all aspects of student experience in Biotechnology from access, retention, progression and attainment.

Expertise Summary

Nagamani has varied experience of working, in both industry and academia. Her research expertise is in Microbial Biotechnology working with industrially significant micro-organisms that produce novel bioactive compounds, enzymes and therapeutic proteins. She has extensive experience in curriculum design and development, embedding employability and personal development skills with specific expertise in transformative pedagogy and innovative learning strategies.

She also brings to board her expertise in developing International Teaching Partnerships and collaborations with various Universities across the globe.

Teaching Summary

Dr Nagamani Bora teaching and learning activities span from curriculum design, Accreditations to student progression and achievement where she developed novel learning approaches and assessment, new… read more

Research Summary

Her research interests are built on industrial collaborations and academic experience with a professional goal to develop tools addressing problems arising in biology with an emphasis on… read more

Dr Nagamani Bora teaching and learning activities span from curriculum design, Accreditations to student progression and achievement where she developed novel learning approaches and assessment, new modules, toolkits, learning resources targeting student experience and quality management.She has extensive experience in 'Technology enhanced learning' enriching the curricula. Her pedagogic research is aimed at 'Curricular Innovation' making the curriculum inclusive, global and training next generation workforce in cultural competence. Another strand of interest includes engaging and inspiriting women in STEM subjects.

Dr Bora is recipient of Lord Dearing Award for her contributions to Teaching, Learning and Student Support.

She teaches and leads several modules on varied courses

  • Advanced Methods in Molecular Biotechnology
  • Professional Skills for Biotechnologist - UG and PG
  • Bioprocessing and Bioengineering
  • Industrial and commercial aspects of Microbial Biotechnology
  • Brewing waste management and environmental issues
  • Introduction to Genetics and Biochemistry
  • Cell Factories
  • Research skills in Microbial Biotechnology

Current Research

Her research interests are built on industrial collaborations and academic experience with a professional goal to develop tools addressing problems arising in biology with an emphasis on collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Research expertise and interests are in sustainability and waste management, search and discovery strategies for novel bioactive compounds, bacteriocins and novel enzymes - from an interesting group of gram positive microbes Actinomycetes. Strategies involve solid state fermentations, characterizing microbiomes, screening new ecological niches, understanding regulatory mechanisms, quorum sensing. A part of her research is also directed towards expression and enhancement of therapeutic proteins working with a number of heterologous hosts for expression of novel compounds, Pichia pastoris being one of them.

In News

Past Research

In the past she worked extensively on EU funded project understanding the diversity, dynamics and synergies of microbes on European smear ripened cheeses. Artisanal cheeses have complex mix of microbes which contribute to the flavor, texture and a part of the research was to identify consortium of microbes with antilisterial potential.

A part of her industrial research experience relates to process optimization and development of therapeutic drugs where she used several strategies to increase yield/productivity of difficult to express proteins. The strategies are aimed at accelerating development of novel therapeutics reducing time to market.

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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