Graduated from the faculty of Engineering (MSc Structural Engineering) from the University of Nottingham with Distinction. Awarded the University of Nottingham Faculty of Engineering Research Excellence PhD Scholarship to purse a research that involves real-time damage assessment of buildings and to understanding the resilience of masonry structures to settlement.
Research Summary
Titled: "Understanding the resilience of masonry structures to settlements"
Complex, integrated and multi-disciplinary systems such as urban mechanized tunneling require building and construction information modeling and design assessment for decision making during the life cycle of infrastructure projects. These tasks are particularly essential during the initial design phases, where the appraisal of different design alternatives can ensure optimal designs in terms of costs, construction time and safety. The aim of this project is to develop high-fidelity BIM-based numerical models for prediction of tunnelling-induced damage. To this end, an equivalent frame model with consideration of damage will be developed using a bottom-up top-down approach. This framework will be implemented within a high performance-computing platform to enable numerical predictions at the city-block (kilometer) scale. SATBIM, a multi-physics simulation tool for soil-structure interactions in tunneling, will be used to enable the automatic generation of numerical models based on the geometry and semantics stored in BIM design tools, the execution of simulations, post processing, and visualisation of tunnelling-induced damage in BIM tool. To this end, the project will be developed to fulfill the following scientific objectives: To develop a computationally efficient framework for high-fidelity predictions of the induced damage due to soil-structure interactions in tunneling on city-block scale; To Link the numerical modeling framework with the digital platform to enable an uninterrupted design-through-analysis workflow; To validate the computational framework for multi-building-tunnel-structure interaction using the case study and; To effectively visualize the numerical predictions within the TIM platform, and propose a decision support tool for early design stage in tunneling.
The project aligns well with three research areas identified by EPSRC:(1) Underground Engineering, in particular `Resilient Infrastructure' and EPSRC's `Resilient Nations' strategy, as set out in its 2016/17-2019/20 Delivery Plan, which aim to address challenges related to 'Reliable infrastructure' and provide 'Better solutions to acute threats'.(2) Structural Engineering: the project outcomes relate to targets of structural resilience to hazards and adoption of multi-disciplinary approaches with the aim of minimising economic losses.(3) Infrastructure and Urban Systems: the project outcomes will enable `interventions that allow cities to become more effective'.