Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science
My research interests lie at the interface between astrophysics and particle physics. Cosmological observations appear to indicate that the majority of the matter in the Universe is not only dark but… read more
My research interests lie at the interface between astrophysics and particle physics. Cosmological observations appear to indicate that the majority of the matter in the Universe is not only dark but also non-baryonic. Particle physics provides us with a number of well motivated dark matter candidates (WIMPs, Primordial Black Holes, axions...) and experiments aiming to detect them are underway. My current research is focused on the signals expected in these experiments, and the information we will be able to extract from them about the particle physics properties of dark matter as well as its astrophysical distribution. I also work on early Universe cosmology, in particular inflation, and dark energy.
For more details see the particle cosmology group web pages or my personal web-pages.
My iNSPIRE page has a full list of my publications, including links to .pdf files on the arXiv.
Current teaching
PHYS4003 Introduction to cosmology
PHYS4015 and 4024 Physics research project
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