School of Physics & Astronomy
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Head of School
Fromhold, Mark0115 951 5192Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Other Academic
, n/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Almaini, Omar0115 846 7901Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso0115 951 6230Professor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Armour, Andrew0115 951 5127Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Avgoustidis, Anastasios0115 74 84056Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Bamford, Steven0115 74 84054Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Benedict, Keith0115 951 5128Associate Professor, Deputy Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Beton, Peter0115 951 5129Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Bolton, James0115 95 15132Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Bowley, Roger0115 95 15131EmeritusEnvelope Icon
Bowtell, Richard0115 951 4737Director of Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre/Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Matt0115 95 15188Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Burrage, Clare0115 84 67903Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Chapman, Emma0115 74 87529Senior Royal Society FellowEnvelope Icon
Copeland, Edmund0115 951 5164Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Dye, Simon0115 74 84055Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurence0115 951 5136Research ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurencen/aResearch ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Edmonds, Kevin0115 846 7058Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Fernholz, Thomas0115 951 4753Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Francis, Sue0115 846 6518Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Gallagher, Bryann/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Garrahan, Juan P.0115 846 7713Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Gowland, Penny0115 951 4754Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Gray, Meghan0115 846 7315Professor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Green, Annen/aProfessor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Hackermueller, Lucia0115 84 68824Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hatch, Ninan/aProfessor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Hawker, Philip0115 951 8331Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Henini, Mohamed0115 951 5195Professor of Applied PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Hill, Richard0115 74 86275Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Horsewill, Anthonyn/aEmeritus Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Jungwirth, Tomas0115 951 5139Research ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Kemp, Neil+44 115 74 87634Associate Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Kent, Tony0115 951 5143Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Kiraly, Briann/aAssistant Professor in Experimental NanoscienceEnvelope Icon
Kockenberger, Walter0115 951 5161Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Lesanovsky, Igor0115 84 68818Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Li, Weibin0115 748 6751Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Makarovskiy, Oleg0115 84 68820Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Mao, Yong0115 951 5145Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Mellor, Christopher0115 951 5147Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Moriarty, Philip0115 951 5156Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Moss, Adam0115 74 84057LecturerEnvelope Icon
Mullinger, Karen0115 951 4752Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Notingher, Ioan0115 951 5172Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Novikov, Sergei0115 951 5138Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
O'Shea, James0115 951 5149Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Owers-Bradley, Johnn/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Padilla, Tony0115 95 15159Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Patane, Amalia0115 951 5185Professor of Physics and Director of ResearchEnvelope Icon
Pearce, Frazer0115 951 5160Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Potapov, Alexey0115 951 4739Assistant Professor in Magnetic ResonanceEnvelope Icon
Powell, Stephen+44 115 74 84726Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Rushforth, Andrew0115 95 15153Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Saffin, Paul0115 951 5133Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Sharp, James0115 95 15142Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Smith, Mike0115 95 15162Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Sotiriou, Thomas0115 9514983Professor of Gravitational Physics, Head of Section Mathematical PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Swift, Michael0115 951 5134Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Akbar, Alin/aResearch Fellow in Quantum Sensing and Optical MagnetometryEnvelope Icon
Akimov, Andrey0115 846 7175Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Alappadan Paul, Jan+44(0)115 84 66003Research Radiographer MRIEnvelope Icon
Amin, Olivern/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Asghar, Michaeln/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bailey, Jamesn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bawden, Stephen0115 84 66881Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bellhouse, Callumn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Berrington, Adamn/aBeacon Early Career Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bianconi, Matteon/aResearch Fellow in AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Boitor, Radu0115 74 86433Research Fellow in Multimodal Spectral Imaging of Basal Cell CarcinomaEnvelope Icon
Bortolotti, Laura (she/her)n/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Boto, Elenan/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bradford, Jonathan+44 115 84 66008Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bradley, Chrisn/aMRI Scanner OperatorEnvelope Icon
Brandner, Kay0115 84 68818UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Briggs, Christophern/aTeaching AssistantEnvelope Icon
Buchanan, Charlotten/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bunney, Cameronn/aEPSRC Doctoral Prize FellowEnvelope Icon
Campion, Richard0115 951 5189Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Cerreia Vioglio, Paolo01157486278Dnp Mas Nmr Facility Manager- Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Cheng, Tin0115 95 84858Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Conaboy, Luken/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Cooper, Nathan0115 95 14868Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Cottam, Nathann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Cox, Eleanor0115 84 67774Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Daniel, Alex0115 84 66881Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Davis, Alistern/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Dellschaft, Neele0115 84 67774Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Devine, Brian(+44) (0) 115 74 86027Teaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Dewey, Rebecca07762187556Senior Research Fellow in NeuroimagingEnvelope Icon
Edmondson, Matthewn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Fildes, Jessikahn/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Ford, Dann/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Gammon-Smith, Adamn/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Gascoyne, Lauren0115 95 14739Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Giannakopoulos, Thanasisn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Gillman, Edward0115 74 84751Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Glatthard, Jonasn/aResearch Associate in Theory of Mechanical Systems in The Quantum RegimeEnvelope Icon
Golden-Marx, Jessen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Gould, Oliver01157487531Dorothy Hodgkin FellowEnvelope Icon
Hamdiyah, Ayoub01158468823Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Haywood, Brett0115 95 18276SPMIC Technical OfficerEnvelope Icon
Heywood, Sarahn/aSenior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Hill, Ryann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Hoad, Caroline0115 846 6003Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Holmes, Niall0115 82 30372Mansfield Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Hutchinson, George0115 84 67775Research AssociateEnvelope Icon
Jafarizadeh, Arashn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
James, Tylern/aResearch Associate (Atomic Manipulationand Scanning Probe Microscopy)Envelope Icon
Junqueira, Filipen/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Kaviani, Mehri0115 951 8276Scanner Operator / radiographerEnvelope Icon
Kolcu, Tutkun/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Kuchner, Ulrike0115 84 68814Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Lang, Benn/aResearch Fellow in Photonic Crystal LasersEnvelope Icon
Leggett, Jim0115 95 18274Technical Specialist - Opm MegEnvelope Icon
Lethbridge, Seann/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Leung, Chunn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Lieu, Maggien/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Mair, Jamien/aResearch & Teaching FellowEnvelope Icon
Maltby, David0115 846 8815Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Marsh, Danieln/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Martin, Garrethn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Mishra, Swagat Sauravn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Morley, Chrisn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Mougin, Olivier0115 95 18276Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Nicholas, Rosemaryn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Owen, Freyan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Peters, Andrew0115 846 8946Principal Technical Specialist, centrecentre Manager and National FacilitymanagerEnvelope Icon
Prestwich, Benn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Rier, Lukasn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Rose, Dominic0115 74 84751Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Russell, Helen0115 74 87529Anne McLaren Fellow and STFC Rutherford FellowEnvelope Icon
Saywell, Alex0115 74 87414Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Sellami, Khouloudn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Shaw, Rossn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Sobhan, Rashed+44 115 84 67775Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Stefanyszyn, Davidn/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Turyanska, Lyudmilan/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Varley, Deborah0115 74 84098Teaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Vishwakarma, Pramodn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Wadley, Prof Peter+44 (0) 115 74 84858Professor of Physics and Royal Society University Research Fellow andEnvelope Icon
Wang, Feirann/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Wang, Yitaon/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Wanni Arachchige, Ruwann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Weir, Mike0115 74 87597Nottingham Research FellowshipEnvelope Icon
Wongcharoenbhorn, Kositn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Yan, Wenjing0115 84 66008Anne Mclaren Research FellowshipEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
School Manager
Fisher, Martynn/aHead of OperationsEnvelope Icon
Administrative Staff
, n/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Ahmed, Mahbuba+44 115 74 87053Spmic Receptionist/AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Batchelor, Ella0115 74 86778Administrator Centre for Astronomy & Particle TheoryEnvelope Icon
Bowler, Henry0115 95 14751Administrator Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging CentreEnvelope Icon
Caines, George+44 115 84 66003Project ManagerEnvelope Icon
Cowell, Louise0115 95 14747Administrator/SPMIC ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Davies, Pamela0115 951 5374Administrator/Physics ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Fernholz, Olga+44 (0) 115 7486 720I am the careers lead for the School of Physics and Astronomy and placements manager arranging internships and year in industry placements for physics students. I am also a teaching associate teaching professional and business skills to physics students.Envelope Icon
Gasiorowska, Aggie0115 951 3082Administrator/Physics ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Grant, Kimberleyn/aProject Manager (Edi)Envelope Icon
Gunn, Elishan/aEducation and Student Experience SeniorEnvelope Icon
Jackson, Emily+44 115 74 86812Senior UCAS Admissions AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Meeks, Sharon0115 951 5163Senior Administrator - PA to Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Milligan, Peter0115 84 67729Senior Operations Manager Health & SafetyEnvelope Icon
Parry, Philip0115 84 68813Astronomy Research Support OfficerEnvelope Icon
Sims, Dominic+44 (0)115 846 8241Partnerships and Business Development Manager - Quantum TechnologiesEnvelope Icon
Upcott, Joannan/aSenior Research AdministratorEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Technical Staff
Bhumbra, Shobita+44 115 95 15132Electronics Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Botterill, Nick0115 951 5194Senior Technical Manager and Facilities ManagerEnvelope Icon
Chauhan, Jas0115 846 6205Senior Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Cooper, Andrew0115 82 31320Lead Research RadiographerEnvelope Icon
Devlin, Sionnachn/aSenior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Edwards, Mick0115 95 18326workshop/Laboratory AssistantEnvelope Icon
Greener, Jaken/aNanofabrication and Cleanroom ProcesstechnicianEnvelope Icon
Griffiths, Annan/aSchool Support and Administration AssistantEnvelope Icon
Kenton, Andrew0115 95 18326Senior Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Laird, David0115 74 84784Fine Machine TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Munday, Paul0115 74 86026TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Napier, Tommy0115 95 18326Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Parker, Michael0115 9515182Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Pearson, Jonathan0115 95 15167Electronic Engineering/Laboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Salter, Stuart0115 951 4742SPMIC Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Solomon, Andrew0115 74 86121Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Taak, Sanjeev0115 951 5178Technician - Cryogenic liquids and Gas handling/EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Ian0115 951 5167Technical ManagerEnvelope Icon
Walker, Samn/aTechnical Specialist (Mechanical)Envelope Icon
Wolfe, Sarah0115 95 18276Clinical Research Facility ManagerEnvelope Icon
Woolley, Matthew0115 74 86126/95 15178Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Young, Matthew0115 74 87257Laboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Ahmed, Mahbuba+44 115 74 87053Spmic Receptionist/AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Akbar, Alin/aResearch Fellow in Quantum Sensing and Optical MagnetometryEnvelope Icon
Akimov, Andrey0115 846 7175Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Alappadan Paul, Jan+44(0)115 84 66003Research Radiographer MRIEnvelope Icon
Almaini, Omar0115 846 7901Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Amin, Olivern/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso0115 951 6230Professor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Armour, Andrew0115 951 5127Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Asghar, Michaeln/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Avgoustidis, Anastasios0115 74 84056Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Bailey, Jamesn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bamford, Steven0115 74 84054Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Batchelor, Ella0115 74 86778Administrator Centre for Astronomy & Particle TheoryEnvelope Icon
Bawden, Stephen0115 84 66881Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bellhouse, Callumn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Benedict, Keith0115 951 5128Associate Professor, Deputy Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Berrington, Adamn/aBeacon Early Career Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Beton, Peter0115 951 5129Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Bhumbra, Shobita+44 115 95 15132Electronics Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Bianconi, Matteon/aResearch Fellow in AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Boitor, Radu0115 74 86433Research Fellow in Multimodal Spectral Imaging of Basal Cell CarcinomaEnvelope Icon
Bolton, James0115 95 15132Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon
Bortolotti, Laura (she/her)n/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Boto, Elenan/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Botterill, Nick0115 951 5194Senior Technical Manager and Facilities ManagerEnvelope Icon
Bowler, Henry0115 95 14751Administrator Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging CentreEnvelope Icon
Bowley, Roger0115 95 15131EmeritusEnvelope Icon
Bowtell, Richard0115 951 4737Director of Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre/Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Bradford, Jonathan+44 115 84 66008Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Bradley, Chrisn/aMRI Scanner OperatorEnvelope Icon
Brandner, Kay0115 84 68818UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Briggs, Christophern/aTeaching AssistantEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Matt0115 95 15188Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Buchanan, Charlotten/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Bunney, Cameronn/aEPSRC Doctoral Prize FellowEnvelope Icon
Burrage, Clare0115 84 67903Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon


Caines, George+44 115 84 66003Project ManagerEnvelope Icon
Campion, Richard0115 951 5189Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Cerreia Vioglio, Paolo01157486278Dnp Mas Nmr Facility Manager- Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Chapman, Emma0115 74 87529Senior Royal Society FellowEnvelope Icon
Chauhan, Jas0115 846 6205Senior Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Cheng, Tin0115 95 84858Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Conaboy, Luken/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Cooper, Andrew0115 82 31320Lead Research RadiographerEnvelope Icon
Cooper, Nathan0115 95 14868Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Copeland, Edmund0115 951 5164Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Cottam, Nathann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Cowell, Louise0115 95 14747Administrator/SPMIC ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Cox, Eleanor0115 84 67774Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Daniel, Alex0115 84 66881Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Davies, Pamela0115 951 5374Administrator/Physics ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Davis, Alistern/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Dellschaft, Neele0115 84 67774Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Devine, Brian(+44) (0) 115 74 86027Teaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Devlin, Sionnachn/aSenior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Dewey, Rebecca07762187556Senior Research Fellow in NeuroimagingEnvelope Icon
Dye, Simon0115 74 84055Professor of AstrophysicsEnvelope Icon


Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurence0115 951 5136Research ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Eaves CBE FRS FLSW FInstP, Laurencen/aResearch ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Edmonds, Kevin0115 846 7058Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Edmondson, Matthewn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Edwards, Mick0115 95 18326workshop/Laboratory AssistantEnvelope Icon


Fernholz, Thomas0115 951 4753Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Fernholz, Olga+44 (0) 115 7486 720I am the careers lead for the School of Physics and Astronomy and placements manager arranging internships and year in industry placements for physics students. I am also a teaching associate teaching professional and business skills to physics students.Envelope Icon
Fildes, Jessikahn/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Fisher, Martynn/aHead of OperationsEnvelope Icon
Ford, Dann/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Francis, Sue0115 846 6518Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Fromhold, Mark0115 951 5192Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon


Gallagher, Bryann/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Gammon-Smith, Adamn/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Garrahan, Juan P.0115 846 7713Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Gascoyne, Lauren0115 95 14739Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Gasiorowska, Aggie0115 951 3082Administrator/Physics ReceptionistEnvelope Icon
Giannakopoulos, Thanasisn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Gillman, Edward0115 74 84751Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Glatthard, Jonasn/aResearch Associate in Theory of Mechanical Systems in The Quantum RegimeEnvelope Icon
Golden-Marx, Jessen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Gould, Oliver01157487531Dorothy Hodgkin FellowEnvelope Icon
Gowland, Penny0115 951 4754Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Grant, Kimberleyn/aProject Manager (Edi)Envelope Icon
Gray, Meghan0115 846 7315Professor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Greener, Jaken/aNanofabrication and Cleanroom ProcesstechnicianEnvelope Icon
Green, Annen/aProfessor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Griffiths, Annan/aSchool Support and Administration AssistantEnvelope Icon
Gunn, Elishan/aEducation and Student Experience SeniorEnvelope Icon


Hackermueller, Lucia0115 84 68824Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hamdiyah, Ayoub01158468823Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Hatch, Ninan/aProfessor of AstronomyEnvelope Icon
Hawker, Philip0115 951 8331Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Haywood, Brett0115 95 18276SPMIC Technical OfficerEnvelope Icon
Henini, Mohamed0115 951 5195Professor of Applied PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Heywood, Sarahn/aSenior TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Hill, Richard0115 74 86275Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hill, Ryann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Hoad, Caroline0115 846 6003Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Holmes, Niall0115 82 30372Mansfield Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Horsewill, Anthonyn/aEmeritus Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Hutchinson, George0115 84 67775Research AssociateEnvelope Icon


Jackson, Emily+44 115 74 86812Senior UCAS Admissions AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Jafarizadeh, Arashn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
James, Tylern/aResearch Associate (Atomic Manipulationand Scanning Probe Microscopy)Envelope Icon
Jungwirth, Tomas0115 951 5139Research ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Junqueira, Filipen/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon


Kaviani, Mehri0115 951 8276Scanner Operator / radiographerEnvelope Icon
Kemp, Neil+44 115 74 87634Associate Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Kent, Tony0115 951 5143Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Kenton, Andrew0115 95 18326Senior Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Kiraly, Briann/aAssistant Professor in Experimental NanoscienceEnvelope Icon
Kockenberger, Walter0115 951 5161Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Kolcu, Tutkun/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Kuchner, Ulrike0115 84 68814Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Laird, David0115 74 84784Fine Machine TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Lang, Benn/aResearch Fellow in Photonic Crystal LasersEnvelope Icon
Leggett, Jim0115 95 18274Technical Specialist - Opm MegEnvelope Icon
Lesanovsky, Igor0115 84 68818Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Lethbridge, Seann/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Leung, Chunn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Lieu, Maggien/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Li, Weibin0115 748 6751Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Mair, Jamien/aResearch & Teaching FellowEnvelope Icon
Makarovskiy, Oleg0115 84 68820Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Maltby, David0115 846 8815Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Mao, Yong0115 951 5145Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Marsh, Danieln/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Martin, Garrethn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Meeks, Sharon0115 951 5163Senior Administrator - PA to Head of SchoolEnvelope Icon
Mellor, Christopher0115 951 5147Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Milligan, Peter0115 84 67729Senior Operations Manager Health & SafetyEnvelope Icon
Mishra, Swagat Sauravn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Moriarty, Philip0115 951 5156Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Morley, Chrisn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Moss, Adam0115 74 84057LecturerEnvelope Icon
Mougin, Olivier0115 95 18276Senior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Mullinger, Karen0115 951 4752Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Munday, Paul0115 74 86026TechnicianEnvelope Icon


Napier, Tommy0115 95 18326Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Nicholas, Rosemaryn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Notingher, Ioan0115 951 5172Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Novikov, Sergei0115 951 5138Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon


O'Shea, James0115 951 5149Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Owen, Freyan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Owers-Bradley, Johnn/aEmeritus ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Padilla, Tony0115 95 15159Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Parker, Michael0115 9515182Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Parry, Philip0115 84 68813Astronomy Research Support OfficerEnvelope Icon
Patane, Amalia0115 951 5185Professor of Physics and Director of ResearchEnvelope Icon
Pearce, Frazer0115 951 5160Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Pearson, Jonathan0115 95 15167Electronic Engineering/Laboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Peters, Andrew0115 846 8946Principal Technical Specialist, centrecentre Manager and National FacilitymanagerEnvelope Icon
Potapov, Alexey0115 951 4739Assistant Professor in Magnetic ResonanceEnvelope Icon
Powell, Stephen+44 115 74 84726Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Prestwich, Benn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Rier, Lukasn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Rose, Dominic0115 74 84751Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Rushforth, Andrew0115 95 15153Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Russell, Helen0115 74 87529Anne McLaren Fellow and STFC Rutherford FellowEnvelope Icon


Saffin, Paul0115 951 5133Professor of PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Salter, Stuart0115 951 4742SPMIC Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Saywell, Alex0115 74 87414Principal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Sellami, Khouloudn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Sharp, James0115 95 15142Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Shaw, Rossn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Sims, Dominic+44 (0)115 846 8241Partnerships and Business Development Manager - Quantum TechnologiesEnvelope Icon
Smith, Mike0115 95 15162Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Sobhan, Rashed+44 115 84 67775Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Solomon, Andrew0115 74 86121Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon
Sotiriou, Thomas0115 9514983Professor of Gravitational Physics, Head of Section Mathematical PhysicsEnvelope Icon
Stefanyszyn, Davidn/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Swift, Michael0115 951 5134Associate Professor & Reader in PhysicsEnvelope Icon


Taak, Sanjeev0115 951 5178Technician - Cryogenic liquids and Gas handling/EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Ian0115 951 5167Technical ManagerEnvelope Icon
Turyanska, Lyudmilan/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Upcott, Joannan/aSenior Research AdministratorEnvelope Icon


Varley, Deborah0115 74 84098Teaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Vishwakarma, Pramodn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Wadley, Prof Peter+44 (0) 115 74 84858Professor of Physics and Royal Society University Research Fellow andEnvelope Icon
Walker, Samn/aTechnical Specialist (Mechanical)Envelope Icon
Wang, Feirann/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Wang, Yitaon/aResearch AssistantEnvelope Icon
Wanni Arachchige, Ruwann/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Weir, Mike0115 74 87597Nottingham Research FellowshipEnvelope Icon
Wolfe, Sarah0115 95 18276Clinical Research Facility ManagerEnvelope Icon
Wongcharoenbhorn, Kositn/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Woolley, Matthew0115 74 86126/95 15178Technical SpecialistEnvelope Icon


Yan, Wenjing0115 84 66008Anne Mclaren Research FellowshipEnvelope Icon
Young, Matthew0115 74 87257Laboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

For all enquiries please visit: