Ioan Notingher
Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science
Research Summary
My research interest is the development of new optical and spectroscopic techniques for studying biological materials at a nano and micro-scale. These techniques has the potential to underpin… read more
Current Research
My research interest is the development of new optical and spectroscopic techniques for studying biological materials at a nano and micro-scale. These techniques has the potential to underpin fundamental advances in our understanding of molecular and cellular processes. My research group develops biophotonics techniques based on Raman spectroscopy to study nanomaterials, live cells and disease diagnosis. In Raman spectroscopy, a laser is used to excite vibrations of the molecules in a sample, therefore a "molecular fingerprint" can be obtained that provides rich in information regarding composition, and structure of biomolecules in cells or molecular structure of bio-nanomaterials. Similar methods can also be used to detect molecular changes in tissues, that can be either the cause or the effect of disease. The main advantage of Raman microscopy is that the information is obtained without need to damage cells or disturb their biological activity by using fluorescent labels or other contrast enhancing chemicals. Current projects range from understanding the interaction of cells with drugs, toxicity assessment, nanoscale optics and spectroscopy, tissue engineering and stem cells, diagnosis of cancer during surgery.
For more details see:
Biophotonics Group
Nottingham Nanoscience Group
Current Teaching
F32CO5 Wave Phenomena (Optics Part) (year 2)
F32EX2 Intermediate Experimental Physics (year 2)
F34ATN Advanced Research Topics in Nanoscience (year 4)