School of Biosciences

ODA Research Invited Speaker Series

University Park, X2 Chemistry
Thursday 20th June 2019 (13:00-14:00)
For more details please see Registration and information 

Tereza Campello is an economist, Doctor in Public Health, International consultant on social development and social protection, Visting Fellow at University of Nottingham (UK) and professor and research associate at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ, Brazil). She acted as the Minister of Social Development of Brazil from 2011 to May 2016. In the period, she coordinated the design and implementation of the national policy to eradicate extreme poverty named “Brazil sem Miséria” (Brazil without Extreme Poverty), which contributed decisively for the elevation of 22 million people out of extreme poverty, She also coordinated the  National Social Assistance Policy, the National Food Security Policy, the Bolsa Família Program, the Cistern Program (1,2 million cisterns).

In 2014, Dr Campello received the FAO/UN award, on behalf of Brazil, for achieving the goals of reducing hunger, at which point Brazil was considered to be off the Hunger Map.

 During the administration of the former President Lula, Ms. Campello participated in the coordination of the workgroup that created the Bolsa Família Programme, (Brazil’s conditional cash transfer programme) and led top priority programmes in the area of development, such as the “Citizenship Territories”, Biodiesel and Ethanol Programs; the National Plan on Climate Change; and the Green Arch Effort (Mutirão Arco Verde), which made some public services, land regulation, and a sustainable development project available for the Amazon region.

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
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