School of Biosciences

The School of Biosciences Research Webinar Series

Via Teams
Wednesday 8th September 2021 (13:00-14:00)

Writing impactful papers and publicising research activity.

Presented by Simon Langley-Evans, Jane Icke and Lucy Ayre

Date and time: Wednesday 8th September 1pm 

The academic publishing world is changing fast. The range of journals available for dissemination of research is expanding and researchers also need to balance requirements of institutions and funders for open access publication. Universities commitments to responsible use of research metrics mean that the traditional indicators of research quality such as journal impact factors are less important that they used to be. Extending reach and getting research noticed more widely is now an important consideration. This session, which is aimed at early career researchers in the School of Biosciences, will draw on the experience of journal editors to highlight what matters to them when they receive a manuscript and give practical suggestions for how papers can be pitched to enhance chances of publication and to ensure a broad reach and appeal to the academic audience.

School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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