Nottingham University Business School


PhD Alumni Destination Survey 2022

Wednesday 1st June (09:00) - Wednesday 31st August 2022 (17:00)

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, or you are interested in viewing a summary report with anonymised results, please get in touch with Dr Jane Nolan.

Registration URL

About the survey

The Nottingham University Business School PhD alumni destination survey aims to collect information about our PhD graduates' experiences at the university, post-graduation employment patterns, further study destinations, and research activities.

We are gathering the information to improve our services and learn how to better support our PhD students through their journey at the university.

The survey will also help to collect information about the types and locations of employment, salary ranges and further study opportunities our PhD graduates take up after their qualifications. This information is gathered for business school accreditation reports, and to inform current and future students to help them choose their career path.

The survey consists of four different sections:

  • your information
  • your current employment status
  • your research output
  • your PhD experience at the Business School

The success of the survey depends on collecting a wide range of views to ensure the findings represent the Business School's PhD Alumni.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the survey for?
The survey is for Nottingham University Business School PhD alumni who graduated within the past five years. If you finished your PhD programme between 2017 and 2021, please complete this survey.

Why is the Business School conducting a PhD alumni destination survey?
We want to understand what our PhD alumni are doing after their studies. This information will be used for accreditation reports, and to help current/future PhD students better understand where their study can take them.

What will happen to the information I provide?
The information you provide will be kept confidential and your anonymity will be protected. The data will only be used for the purposes of accreditation reports and how to improve our support for current and future PhD students at the Business School. We do not share your data with any organisations outside NUBS. Your data will be kept safe and secured and will be handled in accordance with the GDPR and UK law on data protection. You can find details about privacy information for alumni here.

What if there is a question that I don’t want to answer?
We encourage you to answer all the questions to give us a complete picture of how you are doing. However, if there are any questions you don't want to answer, please put 'prefer not to say' or 'N/A' (not applicable) in the box.

I am not working now but will start my job soon, so how can I answer questions about current employment status?
Please select 'currently not employed, starting a new job soon,' then answer the questions with your new job in mind, as if you have already started there.





Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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