Nottingham University Business School
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David Owen

BA (University of Kent at Canterbury)
Emeritus Professor

Centre/Institute: ICCSR

Dave Owen is Emeritus Professor of Social and Environmental Accounting based within the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Businee School. He has held previous appointments at the universities of Huddersfield, Salford, Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield. Dave's main research interests lie in the fields of social and environmental accounting, auditing and reporting. He has published extensively in a wide range of professional and academic journals on topics such as social investment, corporate social audit and corporate social and environmental reporting and assurance practice. Dave currently serves on the editorial boards of Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting Forum, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, European Accounting Review and Business Strategy and the Environment and is an Honary Fellow and Member of the Executive Council of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Researach at the University of St Andrews.


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I am Emeritus Professor of Social and Environmental Accounting based within the International centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School.

My main research interests lie in the fields of social and environmental accounting, auditing and reporting. I have written extensively on social investment, corporate social audit and corporate social and environmental disclosure practice. My most recent work has focussed on the issue of corporate capture of the ? sustainability? agenda and the appropriation of its potential radical edge by managerial interests. I am also co-author of the leading texts Corporate Social Reporting: Accounting and Accountability (1987) and Accounting and Accountability: Changes and Challenges in Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting (1996).

I was associate editor of the British Accounting Review (1992-2006) and up to the date of my retirement in September 2010 served on the editorial boards of Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting, Organisations and Society, Accounting Forum, Business Strategy and the Environment and the European Accounting Review. I am an associate director of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research at the University of St. Andrews and was a member of the short-listing and judging panels for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Environmental and Sustainability Reporting Awards Scheme from its inception in 1991. Until its discontinuation in 2008.


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Jubilee Campus

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