Dr Maria Pia Ciano
PhD (LIUC Cattaneo University)
Assistant Professor in Operations Management
Department: Operations Management and Information SystemsE-mail: Maria.Ciano@nottingham.ac.ukTel: +44 (0) 115 8232359
Location: C10 (Si Yuan Building, Jubilee Campus)
Maria Pia Ciano has a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pavia, a MSc in Industrial and Management Engineering from LIUC Cattaneo University, and a PhD from LIUC Cattaneo University with a thesis entitled "Towards an Industrial Transformation: the Link between Lean Techniques and Industry 4.0 Technologies". Her main topics of interest and research are: Operations Management, Lean Manufacturing, Digital Innovation, and Industry 4.0. Moreover, she got in contact with other notions, such as Digital Twin, Circular Economy, and a better understanding of specific contexts, like the plastic sector.
Areas of ExpertiseLean Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation
The following lists my publications from 2014 to the present day.
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Technology and Organisation (BUSI2176)
Plant Location and Design (BUSI3020)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (BUSI3017)
Main topics of interest and research: Operations Management, Lean Manufacturing, Digital Transformation, and Industry 4.0.
Maria is currently supervising the following Research Students:
Hani Alzahrani
School Administrative Roles
Departmental Research Director (Operations Management and Information Systems)
Research Series Co-ordinator (OMIS)