MSc (University of Sheffield ), Associate Fellow of the HEA (Nottingham), Associate Teacher Programme (Nottingham), PhD (Nottingham), Executive MBA (Quantic School of Business & Technology)
Assistant Professor in Finance Risk and Banking (Teaching Focused)
Department: Finance, Risk and BankingE-mail: +44 (0) 115 8466189
Location: B30c (South Building, Jubilee Campus)
Sam spent five years post-doctorally as a consultant in Leeds and London, leading projects to support government commercial, service and analyst teams and consultancies such as Ipsos-MORI, Deloitte, Simetrica, Frontier Economics and IFF Research in the delivery of publications for high impact national policy programmes. During this time he also held an 18 month lecturing contract with King's College London and has taught undergraduate and postgraduate business, finance and research methods courses as at NUBs. Sam is a founding Leadership Fellow of St George's College, Windsor Castle and has won several scholarships, contracts and awards during his PhD at Nottingham and in his professional career. He has been a visiting scholar to the University of Hong Kong, St John's College and to the School of Business, Faculty of Business & Economics. He has developed the economic and business cases and papers across a number of national sustainability-related projects, including for Kew Gardens, the Natural Capital & Ecosystem Assessment, and has provided economic support to officials working on the illegal ivory trade in the UK. Sam has two daughters, aged 16 and 24 and enjoys hiking in the Peak District National Park and running in international half marathon races.
Areas of ExpertiseSam's is a mixed methods researcher whose interests and skills include econometric modelling, algorithmic trading and fintech, institutional investment strategies, policy evaluation, environmental finance solutions and personal and professional development.
Current: Corporate Risk; Capital Markets Analysis; Consumer Ethics & Regulation in Financial Services
Previous: Financial Strategy; Research Methods in Business & Finance; Chinese International Investments; Chinese Business & Corporate Governance in a Global Context; Corporate Finance
Sam is module convenor of the following module(s):
Consumers, Ethics and Regulation in Finance (BUSI4424)
Corporate Risk (BUSI4452)
Competency Development (NMBA1)
Details of all modules can be found on
I am currently working on a fintech project which incorporates natural language generation and artificial intelligence in financial markets. The project is being live tested in 22 markets using around eight long-term investment strategies and has one investor. I have a working paper looking at the drivers of foreign institutional investor decisions in the Chinese stock market.
Sam is currently supervising the following Research Students:
Adhi Alfian
Elham Vosughi Kia