HOYTE, C, NOKE, H, MOSEY, S and MARLOW, S, 2019. From Venture idea to Venture Formation: The Role of Sensemaking, sensegiving and Sense Receiving International Small Business Journal. (In Press.)
MOSEY, S, NOKE, H and KIRKHAM, P, 2017. Building an Entrepreneurial Organisation Routledge.
NOKE, H and CHESNEY, T, 2014. Prior knowledge: the role of virtual worlds in venture creation Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 21(3), pp. 403-413
RADNOR, Z.J. and NOKE, H., 2013. Conceptualising and contextualising public sector operations management Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. 24(10-11), 867-876 WRIGHT, M., MOSEY, S. and NOKE, H., 2012. Academic entrepreneurship and economic competitiveness: rethinking the role of entrepreneur Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 21(5-6), 429-444 MOSEY, S, NOKE, H and BINKS, M, 2012. The Development of Human and Social Capital by Nascent Academic Entrpreneurs Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. (In Press.)
NOKE, H. and HUGHES, M., 2010. Climbing the value chain: strategies to create a new product development capability in mature SMEs International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 30(2), 132-154 NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z., 2009. Creating a new product development capability: the organisational enablers for moving up the value chain International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 16(4), 319-342 NOKE, H., PERRONS, R. and HUGHES, M., 2008. Strategic Dalliances as an Enabler for Discontinuous Innovation in Slow Clockspeed Industries: Evidence from the Oil & Gas Industry R & D Management. 38(2), 129-139
NOKE, H and PERRON, R, 2008. Strategic Dalliances as an Enabler for Discontinuous Innovation in Slow Clock Speed Industries: Evidence from the Oil & Gas Industry R and D Management. 38(2), pp. 129-139
MOSEY, S., UCBASARAN, D., LOCKETT, A., NOKE, H. and VANAELST, I., 2007. The development of human and social capital by nascent academic entrepreneurs In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Madrid, 7-9 June.
NOKE, H., 2007. The role of the corporate entrepreneur in creating a product innovation capability within SMEs In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Warwick, 11-13 September.
JOHNSTON, A. and NOKE, H., 2007. Entrepreneurship: Applicability, Feasibility and Appropriateness in a Public Sector Context In: WUN (World University Network), Chicago, 4 October.
PHILLIPS, W., LAMMING, R., BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2006. Discontinuous innovation and supply relationships: strategic dalliances R & D Management. 36(4), 451-461 NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. and BESSANT, J., 2006. The Creation of a New Product Development Capability in Manufacturing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference.
NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. and BESSANT, J., 2006. Moving up hte Value Chain: Creating a New Product Development Capability in Small and Medium Sized Firms In: 13th European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) Conference.
PHILLIPS, W., NOKE, H., BESSANT, J. and LAMMING, R., 2006. Beyond the Steady State: Managing Discontinuous Product and Process Innovation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 10(NUMB 2), 175-196 RADNOR, Z. J. and NOKE, H., 2006. Development of an Audit Tool for Product Innovation: The Innovation Compass INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 10(NUMB 1), 1-18 NOKE, H., BESSENT, J. and RADNOR, Z., 2005. Moving Up the Value Chain: The Transition Process for Manufacturing SME's to Create a NCP Capability In: CINET (Continuous Innovation Network).
NOKE, H., BESSANT, J. and RADNOR, Z., 2005. Moving Up the Value Chain: The Transition Process for Manufacturing SME's to Create a NPD Capability In: 12th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
BESSANT, J., LAMMING, R., NOKE, H. and PHILLIPS, W., 2005. Managing innovation beyond the steady state TECHNOVATION. VOL 25(NUMBER 12), 1366-1376 LAMMING, R., PHILIPS, W., BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2005. Flirting with New Partners CPO Agenda. Summer 2005, 23-26 BESSANT, J., NOKE, H. and LAMMING, H., 2005. Search Routines for Discontinuous Innovation In: 12th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2004. Developing a Compass to Navigate the Innovation Journey. In: GHOBADIAN, A., O'REAGAN, N., GALLEAR, D. and VINEY, H., eds., Strategy and Performance: Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Global Market Place Palgrave Macmillan. 251-267 NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z. J., 2004. Navigating innovation: a diagnostic tool supporting the process JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. VOL 15(NUMBER 2), 172-183 PHILIPS, W., LAMMING, R,, BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2004. Promiscuous Relationships: Discontinuous Innovation and the Role of Supply Networks In: 13th International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Conference.
NOKE, H., 2003. The Relationship Between New Product Development and Organisational Survival In: Euroma PhD Seminar.
NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z., 2003. New Product Development During Times of Survival: Innovative or Conservative Characteristics In: R & D Managment Conference.
NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z.., 2003. New Product Development During Times of Survival:Characterising Organisational Behaviour In: 10th International Product Development Management Conference.
RADNOR, Z. and NOKE, H., 2003. Further Understanding of the New Product Development Process: Findings from the Innovation Management Programme (IMP) In: 10th International Product Development Management Conference.
NOKE, H., 2002. The Relationship between New Product Development and Organisational Survival In: Euroma PhD Seminar.
RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2002. Assessing and Enhancing Innovative Design Using the Stage Gate Model
RADNOR, Z. J. and NOKE, H., 2002. Innovation Compass: A Self-audit Tool for the New Product Development Process CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 11(PART 2), 122-132 RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2002. Developing a Compass to Navigate the Innovation Journey In: British Academy of Management Conference.
NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T and XU, Q., 2002. Finding the Right Direction: A Diagnostic Tool for use in NPD In: 9th International Product Development Management Conference (9th IPDMC).
NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. RICKARDS, T. and XU, Q., 2001. Developing a Diagnostic Tool for the Innovation Process: Application of Case Results In: British Academy of Mangement Conference.
RICKARDS, T., RADNOR, Z., XU, Q. and NOKE, H., 2001. Assessing and Enhancing Innovative Design using the Stage Gate Model In: 8th International Product Developement Management Conference (8th IPDMC).