A |
Aithal, Guru | 0115 823 1031 (PA) | Professor of Hepatology |  |
Alexander, Cameron | 01158467678 | Professor of Polymer Therapeutics |  |
Allegrucci, Cinzia | 0115 951 6487 | Associate Professor in Cancer and Stem Cell Biology |  |
Arkill, Kenton | n/a | Associate Professor in Endothelial and Vascular Imaging |  |
Arora, Arvind | 01159691169 | Honorary Professor of Medical Oncology & Consultant Medical Oncologist |  |
Ashworth, Jennifer | n/a | Anne McLaren Fellow |  |
Auer, Dorothee | 0115 823 1178 | Professor of Neuroimaging |  |
Avery, Tony | n/a | Professor of Primary Health Care |  |
B |
Bains, Manpreet | 0115 823 1360 | Associate Professor |  |
Baldwin, David | 01159691169 57462 | Honorary Professor of Medicine and Consultant Physician |  |
Belfield, Katie | 01158231113 | Research Fellow |  |
Benest, Andrew | 0115 8231142 | Associate Professor in Cancer Sciences |  |
Betts, Helen | 0115 9709172 | Principal Radiochemist (NUH)/ Honorary Assistant Professor |  |
Bishton, Mark | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Haematology |  |
Booth, Daniel | n/a | BBSRC David Phillips Fellow and Associate Professor of Chromosome Biology |  |
Bradshaw, Tracey | 0115 9515033 | Associate Professor |  |
Brook, David | 0115 823 0345 | Professor of Human Genetics |  |
C |
Card, Timothy | 0115 823 1346 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Cavanagh, Robert | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Chan, Weng | 0115 9515080 | Professor of Chemical Biology |  |
Chen, Yan | 0115 8231895 | Professor of Digital Screening |  |
Cheung, Kwok-Leung | +44 (0)1332 724 881 | Deputy Head of Education and Director of The BMBS Medicine Programmes |  |
Cole, Mark | 0115 82 31479 | Assistant Professor |  |
Coupland, Carol | 0115 846 6916 | Professor of Medical Statistics in Primary Care |  |
Coyle, Beth | 0115 823 0719 | Professor of Brain Tumour Microenvironment |  |
D |
Dandapani, Madhumita | 01158230635 | Clinical Associate Professor of Paediatric Oncology/Neuro Oncology |  |
Dekker, Lodewijk | 0115 8466327 | Associate Professor |  |
Denning, Chris | 0115 823 1236 | Director of the University of Nottingham Biodiscovery Institute |  |
Dineen, Rob | 0115 823 1173 | Professor of Neuroradiology |  |
Dixon, James | 0115 7486313 | Associate Professor |  |
Dowden, James | 0115 9513566 | Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry |  |
Dreveny, Ingrid | 0115 8468015 | Associate Professor |  |
Duncan, James | 32151 | Life Sciences Executive Nottingham Technology Ventures |  |
E |
Elsheikh, Somaia | 01159249924 Ext 61169. | Consultant Dermatopathology and Honorary Associate Professor |  |
Emsley, Jonas | 0115 8467092 | Professor of Macromolecular Crystallography |  |
F |
Farren, Trevor | 0115 84 66175 | Professor of Practice - Faculty of Science |  |
Finelli, Mattéa | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Fox, Chris | n/a | Clinical Professor in Haematology |  |
Franks, Hester | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology |  |
Friel, Claire | 00 44 115 82 30138 | Associate Professor in Protein Biochemistry |  |
Fromhold, Mark | 0115 951 5192 | Professor of Physics |  |
G |
Gaston, Kevin | 0115 82 31395 | Professor of Cancer Sciences |  |
Georgiou, Marios | 0115 823 0115 | Assistant Professor of Cell Biology |  |
Ghaemmaghami, Amir | 01158230730 | Professor of Immunology & Immuno-bioengineering & Director of Research |  |
Gordon, George | 0115 74 87425 | Associate Professor and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow |  |
Grainge, Matthew | 0115 823 0456 | Associate Professor in Medical Statistics |  |
Green, Andy | 0115 8231407 | E803201 |  |
Grundy, Richard | 0115 823 0620 | Professor of Paediatric Neuro-oncology and Cancer Biology |  |
Grundy, Martin | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Guha, Neil | 0115 924 9924 | Professor of Hepatology |  |
H |
Hall, Ian | 0115 823 1064 | Professor of Molecular Medicine |  |
Hannan, Nicholas | n/a | Associate Professor of Translational Stem Cell Biology |  |
Hardy, Steven | 0115 82 31654 | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
Hayes, Christopher | 0115 951 3045 | Professor of Organic Chemistry |  |
Heery, David | 0115 9515087 | Professor of Eukaryotic Gene Regulation |  |
Hirst, Jonathan | 0115 95 13478 | Professor of Computational Chemistry & Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies |  |
Howdle, Steven | 0115 951 3486 | Professor of Chemistry |  |
Hume, Alistair | 01158230102 | Assistant Professor |  |
Humes, David | 0115 823 1153 | Clinical Associate Professor in GI Surgery |  |
I |
Ilyas, Mohammad | 0115 82 30735 | Professor of Pathology |  |
J |
Jackson, Andrew | 0115 82 31860 | Head Host-Tumour Interactions Group, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Translational Medical Sciences Unit |  |
James, Victoria | n/a | Professor of Molecular Biology |  |
Jayaraman, Sheela | n/a | Professor of Cancer Sciences and Gene Regulation |  |
Jeyapalan, Jennie | n/a | Assistant Professor in Cancer Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences |  |
Jopling, Catherine | 0115 8232029 | Associate Professor, Head of Division of Molecular Therapeutics and Formulation |  |
Joseph, Chitra | +44 (0) 115 82 31106 | Research Fellow |  |
K |
Kellam, Barrie | 0115 9513026 | Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Head of School |  |
Kendrick, Denise | 0115 846 6904 | Professor of Primary Care Research |  |
Kerr, Ian | 0115 82 30122 | Associate Professor |  |
Khan, Raheela | 01332 724664 | Professor of Cellular Physiology |  |
Kondrashov, Alexander | 0115 951 3423 | Research Fellow |  |
Korposh, Serhiy | 01157484701 | Professor in Photonics Instrumentation |  |
L |
Lansbury, Louise | 31251 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Laughton, Charles | 0115 9513405 | Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical Science |  |
Layfield, Robert | 0115 82 30107 | Professor of Protein Biochemistry |  |
Leonardi-Bee, Jo | 0115 823 1388 | Professor |  |
Lewis, Sarah | 0115 823 1387 | Research and teaching |  |
Lobo, Dileep | 0115 823 1155 | Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery |  |
Lund, Jon | n/a | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
M |
Madhusudan, Srinivasan | 01158231850 | Professor of Medical Oncology |  |
Malecka, Anna | n/a | Assistant Professor in Immunology |  |
Martinez-Pomares, Luisa | 0115 82 30772 | Head of IIM Division |  |
Martin, Stewart | 0115 82 31846 | Professor of Cancer and Radiation Biology |  |
Mather, Melissa | 01157487210 | Professor in Quantum Sensing and Engineering |  |
McCrorie, Phoebe | n/a | Research Associate |  |
McIntyre, Alan | 0115 823 1547 | Professor of Molecular Oncology |  |
McKeever, Tricia | 0115 823 1721 | Professor of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics |  |
Merry, Cathy | 07880828138 | Professor of Stem Cell Glycobiology |  |
Michalopoulou, Eleni | 0115 82 31891 | Team Leader |  |
Moloney, Cara | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Mongan, Nigel | 0115 951 6625 | Professor of Oncology |  |
Moody, Christopher | 0115 846 8500 | Professor of Organic Chemistry (Emeritus) |  |
Morgan, Stephen | 0115 951 5570 | Professor of Biomedical Engineering |  |
Morling, Jo | 0115 823 1812 | Professor of Public Health & Epidemiology | Honorary Consultant in Public Health | Deputy Director of Lifespan and Population Health |  |
Mosey, Simon | 0115 9513763 | Professor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Director of the Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship |  |
Mukherjee, Abhik | 01159249924 | Clinical Associate Professor Histopathology |  |
Mundey, Manjeet | n/a | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
Murray, Rachael | 0115 823 1389 | Professor of Population Health |  |
N |
Nasir, Aishah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Noke, Hannah | 0115 8466563 | Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Director of MSc Cross Disciplinary Entrepreneurship Programme, Staff Development Officer |  |
Notingher, Ioan | 0115 951 5172 | Professor of Physics |  |
O |
O'Dowd, Emma | 01159249924 | Honorary (Consultant) Associate Professor |  |
Ojha, Shalini | n/a | Professor of Neonatal Medicine and Deputy Director of Clinical Academic Training Programme |  |
Oldham, Neil | 0115 951 3542 | Professor of Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry |  |
Ordóñez Morán, Paloma | n/a | Associate Professor in Stem Cell Biology & Cancer Sciences |  |
Owen, Markus | 0115 8467214 | Professor of Mathematical Biology |  |
P |
Panizzo, Ginnie | 0115 84 67398 | Associate Professor in Environmental Change |  |
Patel, Poulam | 0115 82 31850 | Professor of Clinical Oncology |  |
Q |
Quinlan, Philip | 07773039576 | Professor of Digital Engineering and Health Informatics |  |
Qureshi, Nadeem | 0115 846 6900 | Clinical Professor |  |
R |
Radhi, Masar | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Rahman, Ruman | 0115 82 30993 | Professor of Molecular Neuro-Oncology |  |
Rakha, Emad | 01159691169 Ext 56416 | Professor and Consultant Pathologist |  |
Ramage, Judith | 0115 8231854 | Associate Professor Cancer Immunology, Course Director for MSc in Cancer Immunology and Biotechnology, Teaching Lead for Division of Cancer and Stem Cells |  |
Ritzmann, Timothy | n/a | |  |
Robinson, Karen | 0115 823 1094 | Associate Professor |  |
Rose, Felicity | 0115 8467856 | Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange |  |
S |
Seedhouse, Claire | 0115 8231822 | Associate Professor |  |
Shaw, Peter | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry |  |
Shields, Jacqui | n/a | Professor in Cancer Immunology |  |
Smith, Stuart | 0115 823097 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Spendlove, Ian | 0115 8231713 | Associate Professor of Cancer Immunology and Course Director for MSc Oncology |  |
Spriggs, Keith | 0115 8466345 | Associate Professor in Gene Regulation |  |
Stockman, Robert | 0115 95 13252 | Professor of Organic Chemistry |  |
Stolnik, Snow | 0115 8466074 | Professor of Pharmaceutics, Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies |  |
Storr, Sarah | 01158231859 | Assistant Professor in Cancer Sciences |  |
T |
Tata, Laila J | 0115 823 1353 | Professor of Epidemiology |  |
Thomas, Neil R. | 0115 951 3565 | Professor of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry |  |
Thompson, Alex | 011582 31234 | Associate Professor Translational Stem Cell Technology |  |
Thust, Steffi | 0115 924 9924 ext 32865 | Clinical Associate Professor |  |
Tighe, Paddy | 0115 82 30734 | Professor of Molecular Immunology |  |
Trueman, Rebecca | (0115 82) 30077 | Associate Professor |  |
V |
Vinkemeier, Uwe | 0115 82 30249 | Action Medical Research Professor of Cell Biology |  |
W |
Whitby, Alison | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Williams, Hywel | +44 (0) 115 84 68631 | Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology & Co-Director of the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology |  |
Winkler, Sebastiaan | 0115 8468457 | Associate Professor in Gene Regulation. Course Director (BSc/MSci Pharmaceutical Sciences) |  |
Woodcock, Corinne | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Woodward, Simon | 0115 951 3541 | Professor of Synthetic Organic Chemistry |  |
Wright, Amanda | 01159515337 | Professor |  |
Z |
Zelzer, Mischa | +44 (0) 115 74 84519 | Associate Professor |  |
d |
de Moor, Cornelia | 0115 9515041 | Associate Professor in RNA Biology |  |