CeDEx workshop - Erin Krupka (University of Michigan)

Monday 18th May 2015 (14:00-15:00)

Social norms and identity dependent preferences

Abstract: The introduction of identity into an economic framework provides a new way that preferences can be affected by norms. We present experimental results that test the impact of norms on social identity driven choice. We use a 2 (identity prime) x 2 (frame) x 2 (choice or norms) experimental design to separately and directly elicit empirical measures of identity dependent norms for eleven different re-distribution situations. We show that norms differ across situations and that identity-consistent norms predict behavior better than identity-inconsistent norms. Our findings provide direct evidence of the norms mechanism in social identity driven choice.



Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk