Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Research Associate/Fellow Opportunity

The ESRC-funded Network for Integrated Behavioural Science (NIBS) is seeking to appoint two Research Associate/Fellows - one based at the University of Nottingham (School of Economics) and the other at the University of Warwick (Warwick Business School).  

NIBS work is organised along three themes. Theme 1 investigates the foundations of consumer decision making by individuals and households. Theme 2 investigates the implications of behavioural science for the analysis of the behaviour of firms and markets which serve consumers. Theme 3 will refine and apply our analysis to a specific area of major importance and policy concern, namely personal financial decision making. For the current posts, we are seeking a candidate qualified and willing to contribute to one or both of Themes 1 and 3.

Duties and responsibilities include:

• developing behavioural theory • designing, organising and conducting behavioural experiments • statistical analysis • publications and dissemination • participation in, and support for organisation of, conferences & cross-institution collaborations

You will be employed by either the University of Nottingham or University of Warwick and your day-to-day work will be supervised by a senior NIBS researcher at that institution. However, your overall work programme will be set by the Network’s Management Group and its Director, Professor Chris Starmer at the University of Nottingham.

You will participate in Network-wide conferences and workshops and will be encouraged to develop links across institutions and disciplines, for example by research visits to our international partner institutions in continental Europe and the USA. There may also be opportunities for collaborative work with regulatory organisations including the Financial Conduct Authority.  

Candidates are expected to have a PhD (or be demonstrably close to completing and submitting) in economics, econometrics, psychology or a cognate discipline.  

These full-time posts are available from 1 September 2018. Candidates are welcome to apply for more than one of the positions, but will need to follow the application process at each institution.  More information about NIBS is available on our website www.behavioural-science.ac.uk

For more information including a job description and details of how to apply, please visit the relevant jobs website.

• 2 year position at Nottingham (closing date 26 February)
• 3 year position at Warwick (closing date 25 February)

Posted on Tuesday 6th February 2018

Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk