Chaplaincy and Faith Support

Christian Chaplains

The denominational labels below are only as a guide: feel free to contact any of us!


Grant Walton Profile
Revd Grant Walton (Coordinating Chaplain / Anglican Chaplain)
University Park
+44 (0)115 951 3931
+44 (0)7967 271467

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Grant has made some unexpected geographical moves over the course of his life, the most recent being in 2018 when he relocated from South Africa to Nottingham where his partner, Elizabeth, took up a post at UoN. He was born in Zimbabwe and went to Johannesburg to study at the University of the Witwatersrand after school, with every intention of eventually returning to his homeland. However, meeting and marrying Elizabeth, he settled in Johannesburg, where he taught high school science and mathematics, and was involved in aspects of national education leadership and development. A decade later he entered ordained ministry, serving in a variety of senior roles, and continuing to be involved in education as well as local social justice initiatives. In Nottingham, Grant worked for Oxfam for two years before being ordained deacon and priest in the Church of England. He spent two years as curate at St Mary’s in the Lace Market. He loves the variety and vibrancy of the university environment, exploring the relevance of the Christian faith to everyday life, hanging out with others over good coffee, food and conversations, reading, travelling, and all things spider-related. Grant and Elizabeth have three adult children and two cats, the latter of which reside with them in Nottingham.


Daniele Bocchetti Profile
Daniele Bocchetti (Anglican Chaplain)
Pronouns [He/Him]
Languages: Italian and German
University Park
+44 (0)115 951 3931
+44 (0)7850 016923

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Daniel was born in Naples, southern Italy and studied Theology and Religious Studies at University of Aberdeen in Scotland. After living in Germany and the Pacific Northwest of the United States for two years, he returned to England and moved to Nottingham where he completed an MA at St Mellitus College. He was ordained in 2022 in the Church of England and is part of the clergy team at Holy Trinity Church, Lenton.

Daniel is passionate about journeying alongside students exploring faith and enjoys reading, running, provocative films, cooking, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and good coffees and wines.


Val Owens Profile
Val Owens (International Chaplain)
Sutton Bonington 
+44 (0)115 951 3931 
+44 (0)7942 073750

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Val qualified and worked in Cardiff as a Physiotherapist before moving to Loughborough where she continued to work as a physio whilst becoming increasingly involved with student ministry in Loughborough University. After a number of years close involvement with students from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China through the Loughborough Chinese Christian Fellowship, she spent 2 years at All Nations Christian College doing a course in Biblical, Missiology and Cross cultural studies. Following her time there she moved to work with international students on Sutton Bonington Campus, enjoying the rich diversity of cultures represented there. She is involved with a variety of events, such as Globe Café, Mosaic group for international women, arranging outings , hospitality and opportunities to study the Bible. She has also been involved since 1992 with a humanitarian project high on the Tibetan plateau and has made regular trips to China since that time, as well as other parts of the Far East, (and more recently to Kenya) greatly enjoying linking up with some past student friends in the process.


Grace Li Profile
Grace Li (International Chaplain)
Pronouns [She/Her]
Languages: Mandarin and Cantonese
+44 (0)115 951 3931 
+44 (0)7948 993926

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Born and grown up in mainland China, Grace came to the UK for her theological study. She then joined Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) as a full time minister.  Grace came to Nottingham in 2006 with a focus on sharing the gospel to mainland Chinese students.  She is involved in mandarin Bible studies, pastoral work, and basic counselling.  Grace works closely with Liz Middleton as an international chaplain and works regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays on Jubilee campus. In her spare time, she loves reading, hiking, extending hospitality and self-inventing cooking!
Grace 来自中国, 在英国 完成了她的神学课程后, 加入基督教华侨布道会, 做全职传道工作。 她于2006年来到诺丁汉, 旨在向中国的同胞分享上帝的爱。她目前参与在普通话学生团契, 中文圣经学习, 以及基本的心理咨询工作。每周二, 周四她会在大学Jubilee campus faith space, Amenities Building B4.。 偶尔也会在 Portland Building Chaplaincy. 
她的业余爱好是徒步旅行及阅读, 以及享受自我挑战的料理!


Paulina Hlawiczka Profile
Rt Rev Paulina Hławiczka-Trotman (Lutheran Chaplain)
Bishop of the Lutheran church in Great Britain 
Languages: Polish, Slovakian and German
University Park 
+44 (0)115 951 3931
+44 (0)7707 430403

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Paulina has many roles – chaplain, theologian, pastor, ethicist, activist and soprano. She was born in Southern Poland and studied Theology & Ethics at the Christian Theological Academy, and Opera with Acting at the Elsner Opera School, both in Warsaw. She worked for several years as a PA to a Major General and Military Bishop in the Army Chaplaincy of the Polish Ministry of Defence helping to advocate gender equality in the army, co-editing the Military Magazine; supporting staff after traumatic events, and performing at Christmas Concerts for soldiers and the government. Paulina went on to work at the Polish Ecumenical Council as a projects' coordinator in areas such as the Migration Project, co-operating with the CCME (Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe) in Brussels. Since 2015 she has been a part-time Pastor-in-Charge of two multicultural churches in Nottingham and Corby and also one of the 7 Trustees of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain Council in London. In 2017 she became a part time Lutheran Chaplain at the Nottingham University assisting students from Central and Eastern Europe and the USA. In addition to advocating for social & gender justice, supporting minority communities and tackling hate crime, Paulina also performs solo as a soprano at different events such as opening ceremonies, anniversaries, commemorations, legal services, recitals, and concerts.


Sian Street Profile
Siân Street (Methodist Chaplain)
University Park
+44 (0)7458 055046
+44 (0)115 951 3931

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Siân grew up in Leicestershire then studied French at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.  She spent several years working for the Methodist Church as a lay worker on a project that sought to provide a space for people exploring Christian faith and life, and she spent 5 years in human resources in the FE sector.

As a Methodist minister, Siân's responsibilities have included being a primary school chaplain in the north west and also a hospice chaplain in the Channel Islands.  She is a member of the Methodist Diaconal Order, a dispersed religious community.  Cultivating community and enabling space for listening and caring so that everyone can flourish are important aspects of her ministry which she hopes to continue as a university chaplain.

Siân enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, playing the piano, armchair sport and her learned-in-lockdown craft – crochet.


Julian Lowe Profile
Fr Julian Lowe (Orthodox Christian Chaplain)
Pronouns [He/Him]
University Park
+44 (0)115 951 3931
+44 (0)7952 174206

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Fr Julian is Nottingham born and bred. He was received into the Eastern Orthodox Church in 2000 and having been a Server, a Reader and then a Deacon, He was ordained Priest in 2017. Professionally, Fr Julian worked in the manufacturing Industry; first as a qualitative analyst then as a Quality Assurance Manager, auditor, and advisor. 

For many years Fr Julian was a volunteer with the Nottingham Samaritans and also served as Samaritan Prison Co Ordinator, supporting and preparing ‘Listeners’ within two local prisons. 

In May 2018, Fr Julian was received as a ‘Companion of Julian of Norwich (CJN)’ having been a ‘Friend of Julian’ for many years. 


Pastor Owolabi Mebude (MBLC Chaplain)
Languages: Yoruba
University Park

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Pastor Owolabi Mebude (Plabs) is the Youth Pastor at God’s Vineyard Ministries’ UK with HQ in Nottingham.

Plabs studied Biomedical Sciences and graduated in 2010 from Nottingham Trent University (NTU). He was ordained as a clergyman in March 2009; at the age of 19 years. He is passionate about and strongly dedicated to helping young people fulfill their God given visions through mentoring, as well as, life and relationship coaching support. He currently leads the Radical Youth Campus fellowships, now operating in over 27 universities across the UK.

He is an author, a speaker and hosts social media channels ‘Relationships QnA with Plabs’ (youtube) and ‘Start with God Devotional’ (facebook), which have been sources of blessing to many. Plabs enjoys watching and playing football as well as going for a walk.


Fr-Palmer-Profile (2)
Fr David Palmer (Catholic Chaplain)
University Park
+44 (0)115 951 3931

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Fr David has had a varied path to the Catholic faith and the priesthood. After finishing school in Sevenoaks Kent, he lived in a green bus visiting festivals, and for a while, lived with a clown troupe on a farm in Norfolk! He had a conversion experience in Salisbury (having gone to a Stonehenge festival), after which he went to India then Uzbekistan as a Missionary with the Evangelical Youth with a Mission (YWAM) movement for two years. 

Coming back to England he started attending an Evangelical Church of England parish in Kent. In 1996 he started training to be a Vicar at St John’s College in Bramcote, Nottingham, after studying for his degree at the University of Nottingham. Once ordained as an Anglican Vicar, he moved back to Kent as an Anglican Curate, and after a three-year curacy he moved back to Nottingham as a team Vicar in Clifton. 

 During this time, he became increasingly convinced by the Truth of the Catholic faith (particularly through the writings of St John Henry Newman) and in 2005 was received into the Catholic Church. Fr David went on to study a Masters in Contemporary Catholic Theology at Heythrop College, University of London. After which he got a job as a Lay Catholic Chaplain in a prison in Doncaster.  

He then worked in the prison as Co-ordinating Chaplain for seven years. 

In 2011 Fr David was Ordained as a Catholic Priest for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. He was then appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham to the Parish of St Paul’s and St Mary’s Nottingham.  


Madeline Bonicel Profile
Madeleine Bonicel (Associate International Chaplain)
Languages: French, German & Swedish

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Madeleine has always had a passion for people of different cultures. With a BA in French, German and Theology from the University of Durham, she has also studied at universities in Germany, France and Sweden.  She has worked in marketing with the Boots company and Deutsche Messe, and has also taught English as a foreign language including IELTS.  She is now Team Leader for Friends International in Nottingham which involves meeting up with international students and working with volunteers from different Nottingham churches to put on activities such as Globe cafes, Bible studies, events and trips to welcome international students to Nottingham.  Madeleine is married to a Frenchman with 3 bilingual children. She enjoys swimming, travel, good food, and music.  She worships at Redeemer Church Nottingham.


Major Robert Jepson Profile
Robert Jepson (Salvation Army Christian Chaplain)
University Park & Jubilee
+44 (0)115 9513931
+44 (0)7341864282

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Robert is the minister of the Salvation Army Church in the City Centre of Nottingham. Robert sees his role as chaplain ‘To love God and Love Others’, he wants to listen, support , encourage and give time to everyone, people who profess faith and belief and those who do not. As an ILM Level 5 coach he is keen to listen and ask the right questions so that Students and Staff can make their own discoveries that will enable them to move on in their personal Journey, whether that be in faith, work, study, career, relationships, or life.

Robert studied at The University of London Goldsmiths College gaining a BSc( Hons) in Biology, he gained a MSc degree in Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology  from University College London  and in 2006 gained an MA from Sheffield University in Evangelism Studies  at Cliff College. Robert has been married to his wife Julia, also a SA Minister, since 2000 and they have two daughters who have both experienced University. He enjoys, cooking, going for a run, coffee chats, and going out for breakfast! He sees his chaplaincy as ‘relational’ rather than ‘religious’!


Faith Advisors and Chaplaincy Assistants

Kwok Leung Cheung Profile
Kwok-Leung Cheung (Chinese Church Faith Advisor)
Languages: Cantonese
University Park and Royal Derby Hospital
+44 (0)115 951 3931
+44 (0)1332 724881

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Kwok-Leung was born and bred in Hong Kong, becoming a Christian when he was in secondary school.  Having finished surgical training, he came to Nottingham in 1998 to carry out research in breast cancer, and has not left since!  He is now a clinical academic at the University.  Following completion of a BA in Theological Studies at London School of Theology in 2021, he started serving as an associate minister at Nottingham Chinese Christian Church.  He is married to Loretta, with two grown up children, Ian and Victoria.


Chris Howitt Profile
Christopher Howitt (Catholic Lay Chaplain)
University Park
+44 (0)115 9513931

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Originally from Nottingham, Chris studied Drama at De Montfort University Leicester and stayed on a further three years to complete his MA in the Arts and MPhil in Theatre and Theology. A keen writer, Chris enjoys creating play-scripts, poetry and just about anything with a pen and paper. Before joining the Chaplaincy team he spent two years as Catholic Lay Chaplain at the University of Derby, working ecumenically with fellow chaplains and recording the weekly Three Christians Podcast. Born into the Catholic faith, Chris has a love of life, laughter, hospitality and cooking. He is thrilled to be part of the Chaplaincy here at the University of Nottingham.


Tim Yearsley Profile
Tim Yearsley (Associate Chaplain)
Pronouns [He/Him]
University Park
+44 (0)115 951 3931

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Tim leads a student ministry for The Navigators UK across the universities in Nottingham. Tim is all about helping students explore how faith gives meaning and purpose to life on campus - he is experienced in one-to-one mentoring, talking with students to make sense of life, ask bigger and better questions, and help others do the same. Tim has been married to Beth since 2010, and they attend Holy Trinity church in Lenton together.  Tim enjoys provocative film, intense coffee, long runs, playing in his metal band, and meaningful conversations.


Karen Gray Profile
Karen Gray (Chaplaincy Assistant)
Pronouns [She/Her]
Sutton Bonington
+44 (0)115 951 3931

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After a wandering childhood (West Indies/Southern Africa/North Wales/France), Karen studied Geography at Birmingham University before moving (with husband David) to Sutton Bonington—a community where she has loved living, teaching, running youth clubs and raising three boys. Home life often involves juggling the priorities of feeding students, reading widely, introducing visitors to new board games and keeping in touch with children and grandchildren in Germany and Alabama! Karen recently studied Theology, Ministry and Mission at St Mellitus College, East Midlands, to equip her for leadership in a local church, working with students and living out faith in a messy world. Aside from spending time with people (including volunteering with a local organisation supporting young people seeking asylum), she enjoys walking, swimming in the local river and playing the French Horn (very amateurishly!) in the SB campus orchestra.


Lydia Panter Profile
Lydia Panter (Assistant International Chaplain)

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Growing up bilingual with Welsh and English, Lydia has had a love for learning languages and other cultures from a young age. She graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2020 with a BA in German & Spanish, having spent time studying in Germany and working in Spain during her degree. Since graduating, she has worked for Friends International in Nottingham; running activities for international students such as Globe Cafes, Bible Studies, trips & English conversation practice, with the aim of welcoming students and providing them with a community when they arrive in the UK. Lydia lives in Nottingham with her husband and attends Emmanuel Church Bramcote.  She enjoys playing saxophone and piano, playing board games and painting. 


Chaplaincy and Faith Support

A29, Portland Building
University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Tel: +44 (0)115 951 3931