Current Research
I have recently completed a book the historical novels of José Saramago, and the first two of a series of articles on contemporary Portuguese and Lusophone African cinema. My new book project focuses on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender identities and cultures in Portugal since 1974, through readings of fiction and poetry, cinema, and popular music culture, and through analyses of media, migration, urban geography, and LGBT-oriented business and tourism.
Past Research
My primary research interest for much of the last ten years has been the work of the Nobel Prize-winning novelist José Saramago. I have also researched and published on post-revolutionary Portuguese literature and cultural identity, and on representations of gender and desire in the work of various 19th- and 20th- century Portuguese and lusophone African writers including Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queirós, Luís Bernardo Honwana, and António Lobo Antunes.
Future Research
My plans for future research include studies of visual culture in contemporary Portugal and lusophone Africa and particularly the cinema of Flora Gomes, and representations of gender, sexuality and identity in lusophone popular music.