I am an Associate Professor in Chinese at the University of Nottingham, UK, as well as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and UNILANG Examiner. I have over 20 years of teaching experience in teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language in the UK, having taught students from over 70 countries and areas. I have taught nearly all levels of Chinese Language courses), also taught PG/UG Translation modules (theory and practice), Chinese Literature (Comparative Literature) to both UG and PG levels. I obtained my BA (with honours) from Wuhan University, China, and MPhil degree in Corpus Linguistics (supervisor: Prof Wolfgang Teubert) at the University of Birmingham, UK. I am now a well-known professional academic with leadership in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language both in Britain and globally. In 2022, I was awarded the Lord Dearing Award in Teaching by the University of Nottingham for the outstanding achievements in teaching and learning Chinese language.
I served in many leading roles in Mandarin Chinese teaching, including, the Coordinator of Chinese Team) and Section Head at the University of Nottingham, and the Chair (2018-20) and Deputy Chair (2016-18) of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS). During my Chairmanship, I made the BCLTS an academic charitable organisation independent from Oxford University and BACs which it were attached before. This work included launching the new website (, opening BCLTS' own bank account, designing the new logo, setting up the two JISL mailing lists, and setting up two BCLTS WeChat groups. Most importantly, I led my BCLTS committee members in successfully gaining charity status in 2020. I chaired and organised one of the largest in-person BCLTS conferences in 2019 held in Lancaster, UK and edited the most valuable BCLTS proceedings. I also organised the 2020 BCLTS Annual conference in Bangor University which was postponed due to COVID pandemic.
In 2016, I founded the International Forum of the Chinese Language Teachers Top 500, an innovative online Chinese Forum for Global Chinese teachers, scholars, and leaders. Additionally, I served as the Editor-in-Chief for the Forum's e-magazine which now has nearly 15,000 global subscribers. To connect better with Chinese language teachers globally, I organised online seminars based on WeChat platform before Zoom and Teams age. These are first online Chinese language teaching academic seminars which aided global Chinese teachers during the pandemic when all conferences and seminars were moved online. I have experience in chairing, directing, and organising more than 60 in-person and online academic events nationally and internationally.
I was awarded the title of Honorary Researcher in Beijing Advanced Innovation Centre for Language Resources at Beijing Language and Culture University and invited as consultant for the New Practical Chinese Reader (3rd version I have participated in 3 international level projects with China. I have published several articles and books, and I also write poems and prose.
I am also a reviewer for the publishers including Cambridge University Press and Routledge and some international journals in Chinese language teaching.
I have also served as External Examiner for the Chinese programmes in GoldSmiths University (University of London), Salford University in Manchester, University of Central Lancashire, and City University of Hong Kong. I have also served as oral examiner for Chinese official exam board: CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) (国际汉语教师证书).In addition, I have served as the judge for the British national level Chinese Bridge Competition (英国"汉语桥"比赛评委) I served as GCSE and iGCSE oral examiners for local schools.
Since summer 2020, I have created a British Summer Intensive Course which aimed at solving the exchange problem and improve the learning experience online after pandemic. It has received a huge success and teaching model has been widely spread in China. We are continue running it next year in 2023, more details to be announced.
I'm currently leading the project: the Tone Analysis of Chinese Learners- UK Area. The research will focus on the influence of learners' native intonation, stress and word order on the tones of L2 Chinese speech. We are recruiting the Chinese learners in the British universities to participate it as the volunteers. Anyone interested in it please register your participation here: Registration link for British Chinese learners Volunteers.
The Chinese Learner Corpus project which I participated as the British Sub-lead with Beijing Language and Cultural University (2013-2016) has now developed into the largest Chinese learners corpus-- Global Chinese Interlanguage Corpus (全球中介语语料库V1.0) and it has been launched online in 2020 for all to use for free, here is the link for QQK
I am organising Alumni Talks for our present Chinese learners. If you are alumni of CLAS at University of Nottingham and would like to share your learning experiences with our present students or would like advertise your business among our students, please contact me.
I am also an author and a translator. I have translated and published books both in China and the UK. I enjoy reading literature and writing essays and proses which have been published in many different forms of media.
Expertise Summary
I'm interested in the following research fields:
Teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language
Corpus linguistics, discourse analysis
Translation Studies between English and Chinese (both theories and practices)
Chinese literature and comparative literature
Teaching Summary
I have been awarded the Best Teacher title in 2000 . My SET and SEM scores are all excellent every year.
I am teaching and convening the following modules:
Translation Between Chinese and English Part I (UG, Both 10 & 20 credits modules MLAC4040, MLAC4042)
Translation Between Chinese and English Part II (UG, Both 10 & 20 credits modules. MLAC4041, MLAC4043)
LANG3019/LK34MA Interfaculty Mandarin Stage 4A
LANG3020/LK34MB Interfaculty Mandarin Stage 4B
MLAC4083/ T13/442A Mandarin for Proficiency Level 4A
MLAC4084/T13442B Mandarin for Proficiency Level 4B
I'm teaching but not convening the following content modules:
R24044(MLAC4026) Translation Text (MA module)
R24118 World Literatures: Texts and Contexts (PG)
R23277 World Literatures: Texts and Contexts (UG)
MA in Translation Studies: Mandarin Chinese-English Translation Practical Sessions Semester A and B;
I am very much interested in using e-techonology in teaching. I'm interested in e-teaching, e-learning , mobile learning/teaching, and MOOC. I also use news and literature and other authentic materials in teaching. I am transferring from a Chinese language teacher to Chinese content modules teacher and scholar, teaching English-Chinese Translation, Chinese literature/Comparative Literature (Chinese and English) .
Research Summary
Weiqun recent Publications:
Zhang,F., Tseng,C., & Wang, W. (2022, 16-18 Dec.). Tone Analysis of Chinese Interlanguage by British Language Learners: Influence of Learners' Native Intonation and Stress. In the Proceedings of 2022 Conference of the Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Ding, A. & Wang, W. (2021)实境直播短期中文教学模式的构建与实践研究 (Research on the Construction and Practice of Authentic Live Streaming Model of Short-term Chinese Teaching). Journal of International Chinese Teaching. 2021, 32(04), 76-85. (In Chinese) Abstract available Here.
Wang, W. , Chen, L. and Xu, S.(ed.) (2021 ) New Theories, New Approaches and Methodologies, New Issues and New Strategies in the Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as an International Language. Applied Chinese Language Studies X: pp291. London: Sinolingua London Ltd.Available Here.
Wang, Weiqun (2021) Chinese language teachers in the British higher education and their career development needs. In Wang, W., et al.(Eds.) New Theories, New Approaches and Methodologies, New Issues and New Strategies in the Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as an International Language. Applied Chinese Language Studies X: pp. London: Sinolingua London Ltd.
Hong,Lijiang and Wang, Weiqun (2021 ). The new concept of the international Chinese and teaching Chinese in a global context. In Wang, W., et al.(Eds.) New Theories, New Approaches and Methodologies, New Issues and New Strategies in the Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as an International Language. Applied Chinese Language Studies X: pp. London: Sinolingua London Ltd.
Translated book :
Wang, W. (2008, 2017). 忠告--来自94年的投资生涯. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press. Shanghai. ISBN 7564224193, 9787564224196, ISBN 7564200995, 9787564200992
Translated from Neuberger, R. R., Connable, A., & Connable, R. (1997). So far, so good: The first 94 years. John Wiley & Sons. Length 141 pages for 2008 edition. Length 171 pages for 2017 edition. Total 176,000 Chinese characters for 2008 edition; 203,000 Chinese characters for 2017 edition. Available in Amazon Here.
2022, Feb. Being interviewed twice by High Education Policy Institute (HEPI) as Chinese language expert and leader and advised the British government policy makers through the report Understanding China: The study of China and Mandarin in UK Schools and Universities (issued on 31 May 2022) . Available at .
Invited talks and Keynote Speeches:
2022, 17-20 Nov. The ELTE Confucius Institute, Budapest, Hungary: Chinese Corpora and International Chinese Language Teaching to European Chinese teachers. In the Central and Eastern European Regional Training Centre for Chinese Language Teachers' Local Chinese Teacher Training program.
2021, 18 Dec. Wuhan University, China: A comparison Between Chinese and English cultures and EDI in Chinese Language Classroom. At the Workshop 5 of the Series of 6 Workshops for the Chinese Language Teachers in China from 11th- 19th December, 2021. (See Appendix 6 for the event posters)
2021, 10 Nov. University of Central Lancashire, UK: Creation and Translation of Chinese Poetry-Taking Nostalgia as an Example.
2021, 29 Nov. How Chinese has become today's China? - Macro View. To Stanford History Group 2021 Program. Nottingham
2021, 6 Dec. How Chinese has become today's China? - Micro View. To Stanford History Group 2021 Programme. Nottingham.
2021, 18 Jul. Ludong University, China: Suggestion on How to Improve the Chinese Interlanguage Corpus-- Observations and Thoughts from Users Perspective. In the 6th International Conference on the Construction and Application of the Global Chinese Interlanguage Corpus, 16-19 July 2021.
2020, 12 Mar. Leeds University, UK: 杜甫在英语世界里的译介和研究 (The Translation and Study of the Great Poet Du Fu in the English World). At the Chinese Literature conference.
2019, 5 July. Lancaster University: Opening Ceremony speech. At the 17th BCLTS International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2019 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society). 5-7 July, 2019
2019, 25 May. UK Association for the Promotion of Chinese Education, London: Chinese Heritage Learners and the Standardisation on Assessment in the UK. At the Conference of Headmasters from British Chinese Community Schools on Assessment (Over 80 Headmasters from Chinese Community Schools were attended). 25-26 May, 2019.
Recent Presentations:
Wang, W. (2022, 24-25 Jun.). On Virtual Exchange and Future Classrooms- Based on the online Immersive Innovative Teaching in British Summer Intensive Course with China [Conference presentation]. The 19th BCLTS International Conference, Open University, UK.
Wang, W. (2022, 25-27 Apr.) Virtual Exchange in Real Context - Online Immersive Task-Based Innovative Teaching in Chinese Summer Intensive Course [Conference presentation]. 2022 AULC Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, UK.
Wang Weiqun (2021). Chinese Language Teachers in British HE and Adapting to Online Teaching. Presented at AULC Conference 2021 - [Digital] Practitioners, Pedagogy and Policy, held online by University of Leeds, 29-31 March, 2021
Wang, Weiqun. (2021). Using Padlet to teach Chinese-English Translation. Presented in iTeach Online Conference, held by University of Nottingham 12th Jan, 2021.
Wang, Weiqun (2019). 英国高校汉语教学现状和教师发展需求 (Chinese language teachers in the British higher education and their career development needs). Presented at the 17th BCLTS International Conference, held at Lancaster University, 5-7th July, 2019
Weiqun, W. (2018, 27-29 Jun.) 汉语拼音-- 分还是不分?(On the Standardisation Regulations of the Pinyin) [Conference presentation]. The 16th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (the 18th BCLTS International Conference). University of Warwick and Coventry University.
Weiqun, W. (2017, 28-30 Jun.) 构建全球国际汉语教师网络共同体-- 国际汉语教师论坛的建立、发展和未来(Constructing the online community for the global Chinese language teachers -- Starting , Development and Future of the International Forum of Chinese Language Teachers Top 500) [Conference presentation]. The 15th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2017 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society, University of Southampton, UK
Presentation and academic activities Weiqun chaired:
2020. Chaired and Solely Organised the online Seminar北京语言大学语法学家杨玉玲教授讲座:"了"的用法及其教学 (Prof Yang Yuling talking on the usage of le and how to teach it: Organised and uploaded the seminar video to Youtube on 16 Aug 2020.(10k views accessed by 1st Dec 2022)
2019: Chaired and Organised the International conference: The 17th BCLTS International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2019 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society). The conference theme: New Theories, New Approaches and Methodologies, New Issues and New Strategies in the Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese as an International Language. Held at Lancaster University. 5-7th July, 2019 . Initiated designed/structured and lead the largest scale offline conference in the history of the BCLTS and the British Chinese language Teaching, Succeeded in the application of the funding for the conference from the UCCL (£4,000) and Hanban (£27,000).
2018. Participated in the Organisation (as the Deputy Chair of the BCLTS) of the international conference: The 16th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2018 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society). The Conference theme is: Reconsidering the Uniqueness and the Commonalities of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, held in School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick and Confucius Institute, Coventry University, on 27- 29 June, 2018
2018. Chaired and lead (as the Deputy Chair of the BCLTS) the organisation of the BCLTS Easter Symposiums. The theme is: Establishing a Discipline of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in the UK. Held at the UClan Confucius Institute, University of Central Lancashire, on 26-27th March, 2018.
2017. Participated in the Organisation (as the Deputy Chair of the BCLTS) of the international conference: The 15th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2017 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society). The Conference theme is: Teaching and Learning Chinese in Global Contexts: from Language Policy to Classroom Practice. Held in the University of Southampton
Chaired and organised 8 online Seminars and Routable discussions or trainings after the lockdown in Britain:
Please see the BCLTS website:
Organised but Postponed due to COVID-19:
2020: Chaired and Organised the International conference: The 18th BCLTS International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education (The 2020 Annual Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society). The conference theme is: Teaching Chinese as an International Language in the 5G Era. Supposed to be held at Bangor University. 29th June-1st July 2020. Initiated, designed/structured and lead the same large-scale offline conference as the one in Lancaster University. Succeeded in the application of the funding for the conference from the UCCL (£4,000) and Hanban (£18,000) and Bangor University (£4,000). Cancelled in at end of March just before the lockdown in Britain.
2020: Chaired and led in the organisation the BCLTS Easter Training: Advanced Chinese Language Teaching and Research Workshop. Supposed to be held at 14-15th March 2020 at University of Nottingham. Succeeded the funding of £3000 from the Nottingham Confucius Institute. Cancelled one week before. Here is the link for the information:
Past Research
Academic Publications
A: I have made innovation in using Smartphones and iPads in Teaching Chinese . The following teaching blogs and videos are published based on my interviews and classrooms practices:
2019. 海外E-teaching 汉字教学常见问题及实践. Published by 世界汉语教学学会公众号( the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching) on 19 Feb 2019.Available at: 02/19/2019
2019. Using Apps in Teaching (Chinese). Published by University of Nottingham. In the Blog by Joe Bell on 18th Jan 2019. Available at: 01/18/2019
2019. 海外E-teaching汉字教学课堂实录+个人访谈 . Published by 世界汉语教学学会. Edited by Yuan Li. Published by腾讯视频 on 19th Feb 2019. Available at: 02/19/2019
B: I also published some essays, proses and poems which created many impact in Chinese Teaching Circle:
Poem videos:
My Poem《我的乡愁》 (My Nostalgia ) has been widely read and there are some videos made online:
王虹老师朗诵版Youtube链接: views)
腾讯视频上的链接:(681 views)
本视频在喜马拉雅上的链接: (109 views)
王虹老师朗诵新版: (83 views)
Youtube链接: (53 views)
Tencent Video腾讯视频链接: (329 views)
The Poem's text and Introducation are published by many places including (诗稿文字版被以下地方发表):
《武大英国》公众号 (2021-1-16)
WANG WEIQUN, 2019. 我的乡愁: -写于2019年春节 . Published by 国际汉语教师500强公众号 on 26 Feb, 2019. Available at:
WANG WEIQUN, 2019. 我的乡愁: 写于2019年春节. Published by 《诗梦枫桦》(加拿大中华诗词学会会刊 2019年3月刊)(卢吉雄朗诵) in Canada on 1 March, 2019. Available at:
WANG WEIQUN, 2019. 我的乡愁: 海哥朗诵 . Published by 诗歌乐园 on 17 Feb, 2019. Available at: <>
WANG WEIQUN, 2019. 我的乡愁 Published by 红湘西 on 12 Feb, 2019. Available at: <>
王维群, 2019. 我的乡愁 . Published by 湘西侨联on 12 Feb 2019. Available at: <>
王维群, 2019. 我的乡愁 . Published by Chinese Language and Culture Education Foundation of China (中国华文教育基金会) on 15 Feb 2019. Available at: <>
Wang, Weiqun, 2019. 从独霸神坛的饺子说起. Published by 国际汉语教师500强公众号 on 13 Feb 2019. Available at: <>
Wang, Weiqun, 2019. 褚时健告诉你:什么年龄都可以再出发!但现实打醒了你 . Published by 华闻派 on 5 March, 2019. Available at: <>
Wang, Weiqun, 2019. 我们可不可以慢慢来. Published by 国际汉语教师500强公众号 on 6 March 2019. Available at : <>
Wang, Weiqun (王维群), 2018. 中秋快乐: 写在送女儿上大学之际 . Published by 国际汉语教师500强公众号 on 24th Sep. 2018. Available at: <>
WANG, WEIQUN 王维群, 2016. Foreword to the E-journal of the International Forum of Chinese Language Teachers (国际汉语教师500强卷首语--群主的话) (in Chinese). The E-journal of the International Forum of Chinese Language Teachers (国际汉语教师500强公众号). [Online]. 4th July, 2016 the 1st Issue. Available at:
WANG, WEIQUN 王维群. 2015. The Impact of the Chinese President Xi' s Visiting to UK: The Tendency of Mandarin Chinese Programme (习访效应:英国汉语教学的新一次高潮) (in Chinese). The shorten version is published in The Chinese Weekly (华闻周刊》). Issue 199. 2015. P75. The Full version is available online:
WANG, WEIQUN 王维群, 2013. The Current Existence of Chinese Author Lu Xun in the UK (鲁迅在英国存在之现状) (in Chinese). In Book Tan, G., Zhu, X. and Yang, H. ed. Cultural Classics and Spiritual Symbols-Lu Xun and 20th Century China (《文化经典和精神象征--鲁迅与20世纪中国"国际学术研讨会论文集》). Nanjing University Press. P408-441.
WANG, WEIQUN 王维群. 2013. The Recent Spread of Lu Xun in Britain (鲁迅在英国的近期传播). Published in Chinese Writers News Journal (Wenyi Bao《文艺报》) (in Chinese) ,in the Special Issue on Celebrating Luxun's 132 Birth Anniversary, 11th September, 2013 ,Issue 3623. P 11. Also Available online
J. Yun, W. Wang and J. He. 2007. A Co-evolutionary Algorithm to Cluster Translation Equivalents in English-Chinese Parallel Corpus. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2008), Wuhan, China.
WANG WEIQUN 王维群.1998. Teacher's Role in Class to Enhance Students' Interests in Learning English (力掘讲课深度, 激发学生兴趣) (in Chinese). In China Agricultural University Journal (Social Science Edition) (《中国农业大学社会科学学报》), no.1-2, 1998. P82-84.
Book Translated:
WANG, WEIQUN 王维群 (translated). 2008. 忠告--来自94年的投资生涯. Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press. Shanghai. PP141. Total 176,000 Chinese characters. Original book: Neuberger, R. R. (with Alfred&Roma Connable). 1997. So Far, So Good- the First 94 Years. John Wiley&Sons, Inc. New York. Pp: 221.
Selected Essay and Prose Publications
WANG WEIQUN 王维群, 2016. Love to My Hometown series 1: My First Diplomatic Mission ( 故园之恋 之一: 第一次出使 ) Available at: (1281 Chinese characters, read by 1813 times)
WANG WEIQUN 王维群, 2015. On the Blenheim Palace (再游邱吉尔庄园) Available at: (ready by 6739 times)
WANG WEIQUN 王维群, 2015. On the Royal Observatory Greenwich(格林威治天文台 ) Available at: (read by 8848 times)
News report:
WANG WEIQUN 王维群, International Chinese Language Teaching Experts accumulated in NewCastle, Discussing the Inheritance and Innovation (国际汉语教学专家齐聚英国纽卡斯尔:探讨"继承与创新"). Available at:
Conference Presentations
Wang, W. 2016. Teaching Mandarin Chinese as Foreign Language in the Apple Era-a Summary and Forcast. Presented at the 14th BCLTS Annual Conference, held at the NewCastle University. 13-15 July 2016
Zheng, B. and Wang, W. 2016. Chinese Language Teaching in the UK: A Comprehensive Investigation on Current Chinese Programs Run by British Universities. Presented at the 14th BCLTS Annual Conference, held at the NewCastle University. NewCastle, 13-15 July 2016
Wang, W. 2016. The Recent spread of Lu Xun in the UK. Presented at the Chinese Creation, Translation and Studies Forum. University of Nottingham.8-10 July, 2016
Wang, W. 2016. The International Forum of Chinese Language Teachers and Its Official E-journal-the Foundation and Development (国际汉语教师微信群和国际汉语教师500强公众号的建立与发展). Presented in the Symposium on the Supervision of Research Students (SSRS) in Teaching Chinese as a second Language (TCSL). Organised by SOAS, University of London. 24-26 August, 2016
Wang, W. 2015. Using the Social Media Software WeChat to Support Teaching and Students Management (功夫在课堂之外--浅谈微信(WeChat)对汉语作为外语的教学的应用和影响). Presented at the 13th BCLTS Annual Conference, held at the Oxford University. Oxford, 8-10 July 2015
Wang, W. 2014. Confucius China Studies Program and the British Local Chinese Teachers Career Development (新汉学计划与英国高校本土汉语教师的培养). Presented at the 12th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teaching Society) Conference, held at the Regent University, London 9 -11th July, 2014.
Wang, W. 2013. The Progress on Exploring Using the Apple Devices in Mandarin Teaching. Presented at the 11th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teaching Society) Conference, held at the University of Nottingham, 3rd July - 5th July, 2013
Wang, W. 2013. Luxun's Works in Britain (鲁迅作品在英国). Presented at International Conference on Lunxun and 20th Century China, 23rd -25th April, 2013, Nanjing , China.
Wang, W. 2012. New Ideas on the Confucius Institute's Role in Helping the International Mandarin Teachers' Career Development (试论孔子学院在国际高校汉语教师培养和职业发展中的新思路)presented at the 11th International Conference on Chinese Language Teaching, 16- 17th August, 2012, Xi'An, China
Wang, W. 2012. Teaching Mandarin Chinese in the APPLE Era. Presented at the 11th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teaching Society) Conference, held at the University of Central Lancashire, 11th -13th July, 2012.
Wang, W. 2011. Introduction on Open Educational Resources in Mandarin Chinese Teaching. Presented at the 9th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teachers Society) Symposium, held at the University Of Edinburgh, UK. 29th June - 1st July, 2011.
Wang, W. 2010. The Internet Resources for Chinese character flash and its Classroom Practical Effect. Presented at the 10th International Forum for Mandarin Teaching. Held at Shenyang, China. 18-20 August, 2010.
Wang, W. 2010. On the Diversity of Chinese Language and Culture in the International Mandarin Teaching (试论国际汉语教育教材中的语言和文化多样性问题).Presented at the 8th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teachers Society) Symposium, held at the University of Cardiff, UK. 28th-30th June, 2010.
Wang, W. 2009. Use Multimedia to Help Chinese Character Teaching. Presented at the 7th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teachers Society) Symposium, held at the University of Sheffield, UK. 29-30 June, 2009.
Wang, W. 2006. Simultaneous Sentence-level Alignment between One Source Text and Two Translation Texts. Presented at the British/Irish Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference 2006 (BAAL/IRAAL 2006), held in University College Cork, Ireland, Sept 7-9, 2006
Wang, W. 2005. Corpus-Driven Study of Translation Units in an English-Chinese Parallel Corpus. Presented in IV International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-4), held in the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Sept. 20-23, 2005
Other Academic Activities
1. Invited speaker at Colloquium on Chinese Character Teaching and Learning (汉字教学论坛). SOAS, University of London. 12 April, 2016. (Invited attendance for this conference, Funded by the Colloquium organiser).
2. The BCLTS Symposium on Chinese Teaching. Organised by the BCLTS and Nottingham Confucius Institute. 16-17 April 2016. Chaired the session: Good practice for e-learning at different levels.
3. Chinese for academic purposes (CAP) - potential, challenges and future development. Organised by LSE language Centre, 16 Dec, 2015. Attended
Digitalised MPhil Thesis (permanently collected by the library in the University of Birmingham)
Wang, W. 2011. A corpus-driven study on translation units in an English-Chinese parallel corpus. MPhil Thesis is digitalised and permanently collected by Birmingham University Library: available at
I have led the British Chinese Language Teaching Society(BCLTS: organised the International Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education , which was held in Lancaster University on 5-7th July 2019. For more details of this conference please see our website:
The BCLTS International Conference 2019 which I initiated, designed and chaired was very successful and it attracted many Chinese main stream media to report it. Here are several reports links:
1.Chinese Language Teaching in UK: Language experts call for recognition of Chinese teaching as a discipline Updated 16:50, 09-Jul-2019
中央广电总台国际在线 2019-07-08 10:10:10
3.教师科研成果丰硕 学生数量不断增添--第17届英国汉语教学研究会年会侧记
2019-07-08 20:32 光明日报报道:
4.第17届英国汉语教学国际研讨会闭幕 通过《兰卡斯特宣言》2019-07-12 19:11:40 今日华闻 报道:
Future Research
I am using corpus in Chinese Language teaching and English-Chinese Translation. My research interests include: Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language, Chinese-English translation, Chinese literature/Comparative Literature, and Corpus Lingustics.
I contributed to the largest Chinese learner Corpus (QQK Corpus) construction since 2013. The Version 1.0 of the corpus has been launched online since 2019 for global Chinese language teachers, researchers and learners for free use (Available at: ).
2023. I'm participating the organisation of the ongoing conference (第7届)汉语中介语语料库建设与应用国际学术研讨会 (The 7th International Synposium on the Construction and Application of the Global Interlanguage Corpus- Strategies under the Mass Data Context). Will be held at Shanghai Jiaotong University, YShanghai, China on 1-2 April, 2023.
I am Sub-leading a Tone Analysis of Chinese Learners- UK Area (PI is Prof Tseng Chin-Chin from Taiwan Normal University). We are looking for volunteers of about 100 Chinese learners in the UK with specific native language background in order to form an oral corpus. If you or any of your students are interested in it, please register the Volunteers Registration for Project: Tone Analysis of Chinese Learners.
I am also involved in the Chinese literature project on Lu Xun(鲁迅) and Shen Congwen(沈从文) in the UK. If you are interested in it please feel free to contact me.