School of Education

New commission launched to tackle challenges of adult education

Leading universities, including the University of Nottingham, and adult education charities have joined forces to create a new commission to tackle the challenges faced in educating people throughout their lives in England.

In 1919, the Ministry of Reconstruction’s adult education committee published a Report on Adult Education, arguing that a population educated throughout life was vital for the future economy of the country. The challenges faced then are similar to those faced in 2019 which is why the Universities of Nottingham and Oxford along with the Co-operative College, the Raymond  Williams Foundation and the Workers Educational Association  have come together to form the Centenary Commission to address the issues around adult education today.

Professor John Holford, Robert Peers Professor of Adult Education at the University of Nottingham has been appointed Joint Secretary/Research Director to the Centenary Commission, and Chair of the Adult Education 100 campaign Steering Group.

The Commission will publish its first report in November 2019 marking the centenary of the Ministry of reconstruction’s Final Report on Adult Education.  That report set the groundwork for British adult education during the 20th century. Its centenary is an opportunity to reflect on the needs and possibilities for adult education today, and into the century ahead.

More information can be found on the UoN Blog website.

Posted on Friday 11th January 2019

School of Education

University of Nottingham
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