Faculty of Engineering

Image of Rasa Remenyte-Prescott

Rasa Remenyte-Prescott

Associate Professor in Risk and Reliability Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



Dr Rasa Remenyte-Prescott is an Associate Professor in Risk and Reliability Engineering at the University of Nottingham. Rasa gained BSc and MSc degrees with distinction in applied mathematics from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania. Following this Rasa undertook her Doctorate research at Loughborough University on systems reliability modelling of non-coherent systems using the Binary Decision Diagram technique. This work led Rasa to develop fast and accurate reliability assessment techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on an industry-led collaborative project in a postdoctoral research fellow role.

Rasa became an Assistant Professor in 2010 at the University of Nottingham where she co-developed a new MSc Programme in Risk and Reliability methods by Distance Learning aimed at industry professionals. She was promoted to the Associate Professor in 2019.

Rasa is the head of Resilience Engineering research group. Look here for testimonies of our PhD graduates Alumni PhD Students - The University of Nottingham.

We are looking for PhD candidates in the following areas:

ENG1711 PhD studentship: Improving reliability of medical processes using system modelling and Artificial Intelligence techniques - Jobs at the University of Nottingham

ENG1710 PhD studentship: Bridge Health Monitoring for Risk-Based Asset Management - Jobs at the University of Nottingham

ENG1719 PhD studentship: Failure prognostics approaches in wind energy applications - Jobs at the University of Nottingham

Recently awarded Prof Stein Haugen Award for the best paper in ESREL 2023 https://www.esrel2023.com/professor-stein-haugen-paper-award/ for the paper

Tan, A., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Egede, J., Valstar, M. and Sharkey, D. Identifying Variation in the Newborn Life Support Procedure: An Automated Method. 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), Southampton, September 2023

Recently awarded DONALD JULIUS GROEN PRIZE for the paper

Vagnoli, M., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Andrews, J.D. A Bayesian Belief Network method for bridge deterioration detection, Proc IMechE, Part O: J Risk and Reliability 2021; 235(3): 338-355, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1748006X20979225

Teaching Summary

I teach in the Civil Engineering Department: CIVE3025 - a Level 3 module in Engineering Risk Assessment; CIVE4019 - a Level 4 module in Infrastructure Asset Management; CIVE3015 - a BEng Project… read more

Research Summary

Rasa's current research interests involve developing novel reliability modelling techniques for healthcare safety and efficiency evaluation. Additional areas of interest involve risk and reliability… read more

Selected Publications

I teach in the Civil Engineering Department: CIVE3025 - a Level 3 module in Engineering Risk Assessment; CIVE4019 - a Level 4 module in Infrastructure Asset Management; CIVE3015 - a BEng Project module; CIVE4021 - an MEng Group Design Project module

Current Research

Rasa's current research interests involve developing novel reliability modelling techniques for healthcare safety and efficiency evaluation. Additional areas of interest involve risk and reliability assessment methods, asset management approaches and fault diagnostics techniques in a range of industrial sectors, including railways, aerospace, highways and energy sector. We are currently looking for prospective students and researchers in these areas.

Faculty of Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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