This page shows the staff for the University of Nottingham's School of English in the UK. Please see here for the School of Education and English in China and the School of English in Malaysia.

Ruth Imeson
Research Student,
Research Summary
Current Status PhD (part-time) - currently registered
Research Topic A Scholarly Edition of Selected Works of the English Librarian Richard James (1591-1638)
Research Summary Richard James was librarian to one of early modern England's most significant private libraries, that of Sir Robert Cotton. However, James' experiences as a travel writer, linguist, poet and cleric have been neglected. This project will produce scholarly editions of three of James' original manuscripts, thus revealing new information about his life and networks.
Research Supervisors
Dr Joanna Martin
Dr Jem Bloomfield
Dr Alison Bumke
Additional Information I am a qualified archivist and the manager of Nottinghamshire Archives.