Research Summary
Current Status
PhD (full-time) - currently registered
Research Topic:
Formulaic Sequences in EFL textbooks used in Chinese Secondary Schools
Research Summary:
The study of formulaic sequences (FS) has become a much debated topic in the field of applied linguistics, especially in the context of English as a second language (ESL) and foreign language (EFL) teaching and learning. Recently, there has been an increased interest in FSs in existing EFL classroom teaching and learning materials. There is a consensus that simplified daily conversations and texts in textbooks are to some extent different from the English used in practice. However, there is much less information about this difference. The purpose of this research is to analyse if the textbooks can provide vocabulary knowledge that students' need for difference purposes by analysing the difference between formulaic sequences in Chinese EFL textbooks and reference corpora.
The results of this research will have practical benefits for classroom English learning and teaching and will raise the students' and teachers' awareness to the importance of formulaic sequences, which can help them improve their learning and teaching strategies.
Research Interests
I am working on how effectively EFL English textbooks meet the learning needs of students and help teachers to develop appropriate teaching strategies. My current research focuses on the formulaic sequences in Chinese English textbooks and how teachers can respond to and optimise the potential impact of these on student's learning outcome and their teaching strategies.
Research Supervisors
Prof. Svenja Adolphs; Dr. Pawel Szudarski
Conference Papers & Presentations
An Analysis of Formulaic Sequences in English Textbooks used in Chinese Secondary Schools, BAAL 2021, September, 2021 Are we Learning "Textbook English"? A Corpus-based Research on Lexical Bundles of English textbooks of Chinese Secondary Schools, BAAL 2022, September, 2022