This page shows the staff for the University of Nottingham's School of English in the UK. Please see here for the School of Education and English in China and the School of English in Malaysia.

Dana L. Key
Teaching Associate in Medieval Literature, Faculty of Arts
I have a BA (hons) in English Language and Literature, an MA in Early Modern Studies, and a PhD in English Literature, all from University College London. I spent one year of my PhD programme as an Exchange Scholar in Yale University's English Department, during which time I also worked as a student curatorial assistant at Yale's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.
My doctoral research traced the legacy of staged personifications of the seven deadly sins in medieval morality drama through the Reformation and into the seventeenth century, uncovering similarities in the iconographic presentation (costumes, stage properties) and rhetorical conventions between the sins of the fifteenth-century stage and the stock urban character types of Jacobean London city comedy.
Teaching Summary
I currently teach on the following undergraduate modules: 'Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne', 'Beginnings of English', 'Chaucer and His… read more
Research Summary
My research interests include: exploring connections between medieval and early modern English drama, English drama in general from the earliest medieval fragments through the seventeenth century,… read more
I currently teach on the following undergraduate modules: 'Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne', 'Beginnings of English', 'Chaucer and His Contemporaries', and 'Dreaming the Middle Ages'. I am also a tutor for the MA in Applied English on a variety of modules such as 'Early Medieval Women and Literature' and 'Reading the Early Modern Body'. I have also been tasked with designing a module for this MA programme on Middle English drama and its legacies.
Previously, I taught medieval English and literature survey courses for the BA in English Language and Literature at University College London, where I also taught a wide range of subjects, including Shakespeare, for three years on UCL's MA in Early Modern Studies.
Current Research
My research interests include: exploring connections between medieval and early modern English drama, English drama in general from the earliest medieval fragments through the seventeenth century, the collocation of transgression and comedy in pre-1700 literature, manuscript studies and the history of the book, early modern commonplace books, the dramatic potential of Old English verse, and the iconography of the seven deadly sins in medieval manuscripts and ecclesiastic artwork.