GEP Fellows Holger Breinlich and Richard Kneller were recently invited to give evidence before a House of Commons Select Committee. The panel of MPs were scrutinising Government policy on Exports and the role of UK Trade and Investment – a non-departmental body which supports companies to export from the UK. The invitation followed from a submission of written evidence the pair made to the same committee a few weeks earlier. “The evidence we gave to the committee built on the years of research that we and other colleagues have been doing within GEP on the determinants of exporting” Richard said. “We have both had experience in dealing with UKTI and therefore knew of the various export promotion schemes that they run. We wanted to use this opportunity to explain our research findings to a broader audience, and also to inform the debate on how those export schemes might be altered in the future. Impacting and evaluating policy is an important motivation for much of the research we pursue in GEP.” The committee is expected to conclude its investigations later in the year.
Holger Breinlich (left) and Richard Kneller giving evidence at the House of Commons
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