Department of Classics and Archaeology

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Paul Johnson

Honorary Research Fellow in Roman Archaeology,



I studied Archaeology with a focus on the Western Roman Empire through my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, with a year spent working at the British School at Rome on the Tiber Valley project between my Master's and PhD. Over the last 20 years I have supervised and directed geophysical and topographical surveys, as well as excavation projects at a variety of sites in Italy, the UK, and elsewhere in western Europe. I have since worked in UK commercial archaeology (formerly as a Project Manager at Trent & Peak Archaeology, and currently as a Director at Magnitude Surveys), and have held post-doctoral positions in Italy and Portugal, working closely with international teams on collaborative projects utilising survey and digital technologies to understand and represent archaeological data.

I am currently a member of the Management Committee of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection (ISAP), a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, member of the Roman Society, Archaeological Institute of America, European Association of Archaeologists, and the Marie-Curie Alumni Association. I am General Editor for the series "The Archaeology of Northern Europe" and "New Approaches in Archaeology, a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Archaeology, and since 2013 I have acted as a peer-reviewer for the Journal of Roman Archaeology, Antiquity, and the Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

ORCiD: 0000-0001-9903-4072

Research Summary

My main research interests are in the application of new technologies to the study of settlement dynamics and social power-structures in western Europe from later prehistory to the early Mediaeval… read more

Current Research

My main research interests are in the application of new technologies to the study of settlement dynamics and social power-structures in western Europe from later prehistory to the early Mediaeval period. I have worked extensively in Italy, Portugal, the UK and Spain.

  • Digital technologies in Archaeology
  • Archaeological geomatics
  • Landscape archaeology and field survey
  • Urbanism
  • Settlement dynamics
  • Social structures and the exercise of power
  • Roman archaeology
  • Iberian archaeology

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details
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