School of Humanities


As a research-led university, University of Nottingham academics are at the cutting-edge of their disciplines. They work across boundaries to bring their unique perspectives to bear on the global challenges facing society. They are also fully committed to developing the next generation of researchers through expert and insightful supervision of our research degrees.

According to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, our departments have been recognised for their excellent research, impact and research environments. More than 90% of the School's impact case studies were rated as either 'World Leading' or 'Internationally Excellent' and within each Department more than 75% of the research submitted was rated at the same, high level. 

Overhead shot of a table covered in documents and artefacts with hands reaching across it from the sides

Find out more about research in our departments:

Holly Miller and postgraduate students in an Archaeology seminar

Classics and Archaeology

White female student with red hair sat looking at slides on a lightstand.


Students working in the recording studio


Young Asian man with glasses looking through a book in front of a wall of bookshelves while a woman behind also browses the books.


Overhead shot of a group of female students sat round a table in the Humanities atrium

Interdisciplinary research


The impact of our School's research

Second world war photo of soldier and prisoners

Through whose eyes?

The use of images in Holocaust education

Road zig-zagging up steep mountain

The story of glass

Material evidence of the ancient Silk Road

Close up of sharpened pencil nibs

Children should be seen and heard

Teaching philosophy to children


See more examples of the impact of our research



School of Humanities

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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