Department of Classics and Archaeology

Archaeology NOW talk - 'After Boudicca' by Will Bowden

Djanogly Theatre
Monday 16th December 2019 (13:00-14:00)
Registration URL
Ancient Greek Black-figured amphora (wine-jar), dated 540-530BC

Black-figured amphora, 540-530BC

'After Boudicca: Being Roman in the land of the Iceni'

Will Bowden

An Archaeology NOW talk


Monday 16 December, 1-2pm, Djanogly Theatre


Will Bowden, from the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Nottingham, is giving a public talk at Djanogly Theatre as part of the Archaeology NOW series. 

The Iceni were the tribe of Boudicca, who famously revolted against Rome in AD60/61. After the revolt, the limited textual sources paint a picture of impoverishment and scholarship on Roman Britain has often considered the tribal territory as a backwater in the Roman period. However, archaeological evidence suggests a more complex picture, with the Iceni participating in the Roman world on their own terms and maintaining a distinctive regional identity. This talk, based on the speaker’s excavations at Venta Icenorum, will discuss the evidence for the ways in which the Iceni responded to Rome after the death of the queen who made them famous.

 Ticket cost = £3

Book tickets on the Lakeside Arts website. 


Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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