Department of Classics and Archaeology

Event Archive 2020 - Department of Classics and Archaeology

Music in Ancient Sparta

Music in Ancient Sparta
Thursday 12 November
Join James Lloyd for a discussion about Music in Ancient Sparta

Medieval Postgraduate Research Seminar

Medieval Postgraduate Research Seminar
Thursday 19 November
Come along to the medieval postgraduate seminar series and meet fellow medievalists from across the University. All welcome.

'Plagues, epidemics and isolation from Greece to Rome', Mark Bradley & Oliver Thomas

Thursday 19 November
Online public seminar 'Plagues, epidemics and isolation from Greece to Rome' by Mark Bradley & Oliver Thomas, part of the #OurSharedHumanPast seminar series.

Private Revolutions and Reinventions: Becoming 'Free' and the Perils of Freedom in Jamaica, 1756

Private Revolutions and Reinventions: Becoming 'Free' and the Perils of Freedom in Jamaica, 1756
Wednesday 25 November
A virtual talk with Dr Sheryllynne Haggerty on her research into the lives of the enslaved and their routes to freedom in Jamaica, 1756.

"My Queen!": The reception of Gorgo in 300 (2006) and 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)

"My Queen!": The reception of Gorgo in 300 (2006) and 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Thursday 26 November
Join Carl Buckland for a discussion about "My Queen!": The reception of Gorgo in 300 (2006) and 300: Rise of an Empire (2014).

'The moral of the story: Argonauts and Aesop', Helen Lovatt & Nick Wilshere

Thursday 3 December
Public virtual talk 'The moral of the story: Argonauts and Aesop' by Helen Lovatt & Nick Wilshere, part of the #OurSharedHumanPast seminar series.

Warlike Spartans? Competing memories on Spartan militarism

Warlike Spartans? Competing memories on Spartan militarism
Thursday 10 December
Join Elena Franchi for a discussion exploring competing memories on Spartan militarism.

Medieval Postgraduate Research Seminar

Medieval Postgraduate Research Seminar
Thursday 17 December
Come along to the medieval postgraduate seminar series and meet fellow medievalists from across the University. All welcome.

Becoming a History Teacher Information Session

Monday 8 March
Information session for University of Nottingham students who wish to train to become a history teacher
Displaying 41 to 49 of 49
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Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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