Department of Classics and Archaeology

Professor Promotions 2020

The outside of the Humanities Building under a bright blue sky with students passing by. The building is formed of two rectangular sections, one grey and one white, with a curved protruding roof.

Humanities Building, University of Nottingham

Congratulations to both Will Bowden and Mark Bradley on their recent promotions to Professor in the Department of Classics and Archaeology. We look forward to sharing details of their inaugural lectures soon. Something to look forward to! 

Congratulations also to our colleagues across the School on their own promotions to Professor, as well as those in the rest of the Faculty of Arts: 

  • Mark Jago (Philosophy, Humanities)
  • Chris Woodard (Philosophy, Humanities)
  • Jeremy Lane (French & Francophone Studies, MLC, CLAS)
  • Vivien Miller (American & Canadian Studies, CLAS)
  • Steve Roberts (Spanish & Latin American Studies, MLC, CLAS)
  • Ross Wilson (Liberal Arts, CLAS)

Congratulations to all! 

Posted on Tuesday 21st April 2020

Department of Classics and Archaeology

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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