Dr Andreas Kropp’s book, Images and Monuments of Near Eastern Dynasts, 100 BC - AD 100, has been published by Oxford University Press. This book is an archaeological and art-historical study of the images and monuments of Roman 'client' kings in the Near East in the important transitional period from the downfall of the Seleucid empire to Rome's establishment of provincial administrations in the region. The study looks at royal portraits, tombs, palaces, coins, and temples of the six major players: the Kommagenian, Emesan, Ituraean, Nabataean, Hasmonaean, and Herodian dynasties.
The images and monuments come in an endless variety of eclectic styles, shapes, and types - a result of cultural choices from an array of options. This study looks at monuments like the Khazneh at Petra or the Temple at Jerusalem as historical documents attesting ideological aspirations and skilfully constructed royal personas.
Posted on Tuesday 8th October 2013