History Research Seminar 23 March: Pedro Aires Oliveira

Trent LG11
Thursday 23rd March 2023 (17:00-18:00)

Dr Alex Henry or Dr Arun Kumar 

Black and white photo of people marching with banners in an anti-colonial demonstration in London. Forefront banner reads Stop British Collaboration with Fascist Portugal

Anti-colonial demonstration, London, 1973

History Research Seminars - External Speaker Series

Update: Please note there has been a room change on this event. It will now take place in Trent Building LG11.

Refreshments available, all welcome.

For any enquiries, or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Dr Arun Kumar

This week - Trent Building, LG11

London and the Liberation Struggles against Portuguese colonial rule in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s: A Platform to Reach out to the World.

Dr. Pedro Aires Oliveira, Associate Professor at the NOVA University of Lisbon

This research seminar has been organised with the support of the UoN's History Department, the Centre for Memory and Conflict and the Instituto Camões.

London and the Liberation Struggles against Portuguese colonial rule in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s: A Platform to Reach out to the World – Pedro Aires Oliveira (NOVA University of Lisbon)

This talk will explore the many facets by which London became an important hub for activists engaged in the liberation struggles of Portuguese speaking Africa (as well as Goa, for a shorter period) in the 1960s and early 1970s, as well as opposition to Oliveira Salazar and Marcelo Caetano’s dictatorship in the metropole.
It will place this topic in the wider context of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Portuguese regime since the end of the Second World War, surveying the attitudes of Tory and Labour governments vis-à-vis dissident individuals and groups and highlight the opportunities which the latter were able to exploit to further their causes in the UK, including access to the media, contacts with solidarity groups and networks, as well as members of Parliament. The role of some British mediators, as well as the instances of cooperation/disagreement between exile groups will also be discussed.

Biographical note
Pedro Aires Oliveira is Associate Professor at the History Department of NOVA-FCSH and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History. His main research topics are the History of International Relations, Colonialism and Decolonization, on which he has published various articles in international academic journals, as well as the book Os Despojos da Aliança. A Grã-Bretanha e a Questão Colonial Portuguesa 1945-75 (Tinta da China, 2007), a comprehensive study of the political interaction between the two countries in the colonial sphere. He has also published articles on Portuguese exile networks in the 1960s and 1970s, one of them specifically focusing those operating in the UK (‘Generous Albion? Portuguese anti-Salazarists in the United Kingdom, c. 1960––74’, Portuguese Studies 27, 2, 2011). His most recent book is Empires and Colonial Incarceration in the Twentieth Century (Routledge, 2021), co-edited with Philip J. Havik, Helena P. Janeiro and Irene Pimentel. With two other colleagues, he is currently preparing an edited volume on exile settings and the liberation struggles of Portuguese speaking Africa, due to come out in 2024 (Palgrave).

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