Department of History

Carole Mallia memorial event

Photograph of Carole Mallia memorial event, tree dedication

Carole Mallia memorial event

Dr Carole Mallia taught in the Department of History for over 10 years. She passed away in the summer, after a long and difficult respiratory illness.

On Wednesday 5 November colleagues, friends and family gathered around a Magnolia Soulangeana, which was planted in Carole’s name, and her colleagues Ross Balzaretti, Claire Taylor and Liz Harvey spoke at the dedication.

Carole’s book collection was offered free to students in the Department of History later that day, many of whom also donated money to the British Lung Foundation in Carole’s memory.

Posted on Friday 7th November 2014

Department of History

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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