Department of Theology and Religious Studies

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Research Summary

I am presently researching for a PhD looking into the emotional language used about God in the Book of the Twelve Prophets in the Hebrew Bible, then comparing the extant commentaries on the Twelve by… read more

Current Research

I am presently researching for a PhD looking into the emotional language used about God in the Book of the Twelve Prophets in the Hebrew Bible, then comparing the extant commentaries on the Twelve by Cyril of Alexandria, Jerome, Theodoret of Cyrrus and Theodore of Mopsuestia.

It was a general axiom in the Early Church (an much later) that God is impassible (apathe - God cannot be made to suffer, or to feel or experience emotions - whether God can decide for Godself to do this is another question! ). Therefore the Patristic commentaries reflect this belief. I wish to compare these writings with the Hebrew (and also Greek) texts of the Bible to see if this view is warranted from the text, or whether the view portrayed there is of a passible God.

Department of Theology and Religious Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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