The project seeks to advance public understanding of and strengthen the policymaking focus on family migration through the case of Italian families migrating to the UK.
It will do so by:
Download the leaflet
Using a mixed-method approach, the project will focus on the specific challenges EU parents and their children encounter in a changing context, as well as on the strategies they employ to navigate settlement, further mobilities and potential returns.
Methods used will be a survey followed by online video-interviews that will result in a research-informed video-documentary, disseminated to a wide-range stakeholders in both Italy and the UK. The video-interviews, and later the documentary, will be based on migrant stories from both parents and children as well as officials working in institutions connected to various aspects of EU migration.
Watch the documentary.
Adult survey
Children's survey
The project is co-produced with Trentini Nel Mondo - an Italian NGO with several years of experience supporting Italian migrants in a variety of countries. The project will culminate in a public event where the documentary will be presented to the general public and discussed by a panel of practitioners, policy makers and academics.
School of Sociology and Social PolicyLaw and Social Sciences buildingUniversity of NottinghamUniversity Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
+44 (0)115 951 5393