The Language Centre

Luigi's experience of the Language Centre

Luigi smiles at the camera wearing a graduation ground, stood by University Lake

Luigi talks to us about his experience of learning German at the Language Centre and how it helped him find his way to studying a master's degree at the Central European University in Vienna.

"Languages are a really useful skill to have, no matter what area you hope to work in. I'm a native Spanish speaker but felt that learning more languages would be beneficial to me, so I chose to study German alongside my Politics and International Relations degree. I chose German as I would like to work in the EU and it's one of the most commonly spoken languages there."

Is it fair to say that learning a language has changed your life?

Learning German has opened up all sorts of opportunities for me. Right now, I'm studying for an International Public Affairs masters in Vienna!

"Languages will always open doors for work. My career aspirations are to work in the UN, they have an office here in Vienna so I'm currently applying for internships there. I'm also looking for work to help me fund my studies and in interviews, I'm always asked if I can speak German and I can say 'yes I do!'

Although my masters in Vienna is taught in English, I'm living in a German-speaking country and my German skills have been integral to settling into daily life here. I feel confident speaking German with new people and have made new friends, I'm happy ordering food in restaurants and can watch television in German. But I must say, bureaucracy in German is somewhat challenging!"

What is learning at the Language Centre like?

Learning a language with the Language Centre was quite different to sitting in my usual lectures as the learning style is so different. During lectures, we sat and listened but didn't get much opportunity to actively participate. Whereas at the Language Centre, it was always really interactive and we covered a wide variety of topics. I also got to meet people from all across the university which was really interesting."

Learning in a different style at the Language Centre has helped me gain transferable skills such as being able to make a point clearly and giving presentations.

"I found the Self-Access Centre really useful. It's a place to study your language individually with not only lots of resources, but also language tutors to provide support. The language tutors were really approachable and I felt able to ask them any questions. They were also able to help me learn about Austria and what it would be like to live and study here. The Self-Access Centre helps you learn the culture as well as the langauge which has been really beneficial in my move.

I definitely recommend other students to make use of the Language Centre, it's a great way to expand your skills, learn about other cultures and meet people from other faculties." 

Explore your options at the Language Centre

The Language Centre

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 86500