Manuscripts and Special Collections

The farming year

Life in Laxton followed a regular pattern. The main agricultural events of the year were as follows:

Time of year  Event
Throughout the year Regular ploughing of the fallow field
Through the winter Ploughing of the old wheat field (due to become spring corn field)
March Sowing of spring corn field. Animals kept inside over winter taken out. Barns cleaned, and manure taken to spread on the fields
April Manorial court day (until 1684)
June Haymaking begins
6 July End of grazing on the sikes (up to 1730s)
June-July Auction of sike grass (from 1730s)
1 August Official end of haymaking. Meadows 'broken' and animals allowed to graze there (until early 1730s)
August Harvesting of the wheat field. When complete, the field 'broken' and animals allowed in
September-October Harvesting of the spring corn field
8 October End of grazing on the Commons and the fallow field
15 October End of grazing on the wheat field. Spring corn field 'broken' and animals allowed in
October-November Ploughing and sowing of old fallow field with wheat
October-November Jury Day. Inspection of the new wheat field
23 November End of grazing on the spring corn field (due to become fallow). All livestock except sheep moved to enclosures, barns and crofts
November or December Manorial court day


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