School of Mathematical Sciences

Toward criteria for the K-stability of Fano manifolds

Wednesday 12th February 2025 (16:00-17:00)
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Speaker's Name: Kento Fujita
Speaker's Affiliation: Osaka University
Speaker's Research Theme(s): Pure Mathematics,
The Calabi problem for Fano manifolds asks the existence of “good” metrics, so called Kaehler-Einstein metrics. Around 10 years ago, the above differential geometric problem is shown to be equivalent to an algebraic stability condition called “K-stability”. In this talk, I will present a simplification of the above stability condition using the notion of volume functions. Moreover, I would like to survey recent remarkable progresses in terms of moduli theory of K-stable Fano varieties.

Venue: Physics C05

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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