School of Mathematical Sciences

Towards future battery design

NG7 2RD, Room C17 Monica Partridge Building, University Park Nottingham
Monday 24th (10:00) - Tuesday 25th January 2022 (15:00)

24th-25th January, 2022 

University of Nottingham, UK 

In-person event with live streaming via MS Teams 



Lithium-Ion batteries and other energy storage devices have become one of the most critical technologies, because of the huge impact they have on nowadays life. From smartphones to electric vehicles, the needs for devices with better performances and a more environmentally sustainable is higher than ever. 

Recent advances in manufacturing, system and continuum scale modelling have been tremendous but phenomena like ageing and fast charging/discharging are still poorly understood and predictable due to the large disparity between the scale at which processes can be understood from first principles, and the scale at which experiments are available. 

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists, modellers, and computational scientists with interests in the micro-scale modelling of batteries, with the intent of identifying:  

  • Numerical and experimental benchmarks for testing and developing micro-scale models and solvers  

  • Best practices for validation, calibration, and uncertainty quantification of models for microstructure description of energy storage devices  

  • New modelling frameworks and tools to help explain currently poorly understood phenomena in battery design 



Dr. Matteo Icardi, University of Nottingham - Email:

Dr. Bagus Muljadi, Uinversity of Nottingham - Email:

Dr. Dhammika Widanalage, University of Warwick - Email:

Dr. Nicodemo Di Pasquale, Univerity of Nottingham- Email:

Dr. Ferran Brosa Planella, University of Warwick - Email:

Mr. Robert Barnett, Univerity of Nottingham- Email:


Invited Speakers 

Alejandro A. Franco, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France

Samuel J. Cooper, Imperial College London, UK

Paul Shearing, University College London, UK

Charles Monroe, University of Oxford, UK

Daniele Marchisio, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Thomas Carraro, Helmut Schmidt University, Germany



  • 24th January: Challenges and opportunities in batteries and Energy Storage solutions 

  • 25th January: Community driven microstructure simulation tools 



Attending is free but registration is required for more information see the link here 

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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