KIRILL KRASNOV, 2017. Dynamics of 3-Forms in Seven Dimensions Classical and Quantum Gravity. (In Press.)
KIRILL KRASNOV and YANNICK HERFRAY, 2017. Topological field theories of 2- and 3-forms in six dimensions Journal of Mathematical Physics. 58, 082304 K. KRASNOV, 2017. Self-Dual Gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. 34(9), 095001 FINE, JOEL, HERFRAY, YANNICK, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SCARINCI, CARLOS, 2016. Asymptotically hyperbolic connections Classical and Quantum Gravity. 33(18), 185011 HERFRAY, YANNICK, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SHTANOV, YURI, 2016. Anisotropic Singularities and Modified Gravity Class. Quant. Grav.. 33(23), 235001 KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2016. Deformations of GR and BH thermodynamics Class. Quant. Grav.. 33(15), 155012 HERFRAY, YANNICK, KRASNOV, KIRILL, SCARINCI, CARLOS and SHTANOV, YURI, 2016. A 4D gravity theory and G2-holonomy manifolds
HERFRAY, YANNICK, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SCARINCI, CARLOS, 2016. 6D Interpretation of 3D Gravity Class. Quant. Grav.. 34(4), 045007 DELFINO, GIANLUCA, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SCARINCI, CARLOS, 2015. Pure connection formalism for gravity: Recursion relations JHEP. 03, 120 DELFINO, GIANLUCA, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SCARINCI, CARLOS, 2015. Pure Connection Formalism for Gravity: Linearized Theory JHEP. 03, 118 KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2015. GR uniqueness and deformations JHEP. 10, 037 KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2015. Gravitons and a complex of differential operators Mod. Phys. Lett.. A30(03n04), 1540001 ESPIN, JOHNNY and KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2015. Second Order Standard Model Nucl. Phys.. B895, 248-271 COFANO, MARCO, FU, CHIH-HAO and KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2015. Deformations of Yang-Mills theory Phys. Rev.. D92(6), 065012 HERFRAY, YANNICK and KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2015. New first order Lagrangian for General Relativity
FINE, JOEL, KRASNOV, KIRILL and PANOV, DMITRI, 2014. A gauge theoretic approach to Einstein 4-manifolds New York J. Math.. 20, 293-323
SCARINCI, CARLOS and KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2013. The universal phase space of $AdS_3$ gravity Commun. Math. Phys.. 322, 167-205 TORRES-GOMEZ, ALEXANDER and KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2013. Fermions via spinor-valued one-forms Int. J. Mod. Phys.. A28(24), 1350113 ALEXANDROV, SERGEI, KRASNOV, KIRILL and SPEZIALE, SIMONE, 2013. Chiral description of ghost-free massive gravity JHEP. 06, 068 KRASNOV, KIRILL and SCARINCI, CARLOS, 2013. Weighted Laplacians, cocycles and recursion relations JHEP. 11, 040 GROH, KAI, KRASNOV, KIRILL and STEINWACHS, CHRISTIAN F., 2013. Pure connection gravity at one loop: Instanton background JHEP. 07, 187 KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2012. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Gravity Phys. Rev.. D85, 125023 KRASNOV, KIRILL, 2012. A Gauge Theoretic Approach to Gravity Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.. A468, 2129-2173 BARBOT, THIERRY, BONSANTE, FRANCESCO, DANCIGER, JEFFREY, GOLDMAN, WILLIAM M., GUERITAUD, FRANCOIS, KASSEL, FANNY, KRASNOV, KIRILL, SCHLENKER, JEAN-MARC and ZEGHIB, ABDELGHANI, 2012. Some open questions on anti-de Sitter geometry
BONSANTE, F, KRASNOV, K and SCHLENKER, JM, 2011. Multi-Black Holes And Earthquakes On Riemann Surfaces With Boundaries International Mathematics Research Notices. 487-552 TORRES-GOMEZ, A, KRASNOV, K and SCARINCI, C, 2011. Unified Theory Of Nonlinear Electrodynamics And Gravity Physical Review D. 83(2), - KRASNOV, K., 2011. Pure connection action principle for general relativity Physical Review Letters. 106(25), 251103 KRASNOV, K., 2010. Effective metric Lagrangians from an underlying theory with two propagating degrees of freedom (40 pages) PHYSICAL REVIEW -SERIES D- PARTICLES FIELDS GRAVITATION AND COSMOLOGY. VOL 81(NUMB 8A), 084026
KRASNOV, K. and SHTANOV, Y., 2010. Cosmological perturbations in a family of deformations of general relativity Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 1006, 006
TORRES-GOMEZ, A. and KRASNOV, K., 2010. Gravity-Yang-Mills-Higgs unification by enlarging the gauge group (32 pages) PHYSICAL REVIEW -SERIES D- PARTICLES FIELDS GRAVITATION AND COSMOLOGY. VOL 81(NUMB 8B), 085003
KRASNOV, K., 2010. Metric Lagrangians with two propagating degrees of freedom EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. VOL 89(NUMB 3), 30002
FREIDEL, L., KRASNOV, K. and LIVINE, E.R., 2010. Holomorphic factorization for a quantum tetrahedron Communications in Mathematical Physics. 297(1), 45-93 KRASNOV, K., 2009. Plebanski gravity without the simplicity constraints Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 26(NUMB 5), 055002 KRASNOV, K. and ROVELLI, C., 2009. Black holes in full quantum gravity CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. VOL 26(NUMB 24), 245009 TORRES-GOMEZ, A. and KRASNOV, K., 2009. Remarks on the Barbero-Immirzi parameter as a field Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 79(NUMB 10), 104014
KRASNOV, K., 2009. GRAVITY AS BF THEORY PLUS POTENTIAL International Journal of Modern Physics A. VOL 24(NUMB 15), 2776-2782 KRASNOV, K., 2009. Motion of a ``small body'' in nonmetric gravity Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 79(NUMB 4), 044017
KRASNOV, K. and SCHLENKER, J.-M., 2009. A Symplectic map between hyperbolic and complex Teichmuller theory Duke Mathematical Journal. 150, 331-356 ALEXANDROV, S. and KRASNOV, K., 2009. Hamiltonian analysis of non-chiral Plebanski theory and its generalizations Classical and Quantum Gravity. 26(5), 055005 KRASNOV, K., 2008. Non-metric gravity: I. Field equations CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY. VOL 25(NUMB 2), 025001 KRASNOV, K. and SHTANOV, Y., 2008. HALOS OF MODIFIED GRAVITY International Journal of Modern Physics D. VOL 17(NUMB 13/14), 2555-2562 FREIDEL, L. and KRASNOV, K., 2008. A new spin foam model for 4D gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. 25(12), 125018 KRASNOV, K. and SCHLENKER, J. M., 2008. On the Renormalized Volume of Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. VOL 279(NUMBER 3), 637-668 KRASNOV, K., 2007. NON-METRIC GRAVITY: A STATUS REPORT MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A. VOL 22(NUMB 40), 3013-3026 KRASNOV, K. and SCHLENKER, J.-M., 2007. Minimal surfaces and particles in 3-manifolds Geometriae Dedicata. 126(1), 187-254 KRASNOV, K, 2007. Quantum gravity with matter and group field theory Classical and Quantum Gravity. 24(4), 981-1022 KRASNOV, K. and LOUKO, J., 2006. SO~0(1,d+1) Racah coefficients: Type I representations (19 pages) Journal of Mathematical Physics. VOL 47(NUMB 3), 033513 KRASNOV, K., 2005. Holography for the Lorentz group Racah coefficients Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 22(NUMB 11), 1933-1944 KRASNOV, K. and SOLODUKHIN, S.N., 2004. Effective stringy description of Schwarzchild black holes Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 8(3), 421-460 FREIDEL, L. and KRASNOV, K., 2004. 2D conformal field theories and holography Journal of Mathematical Physics. VOL 45(NUMB 6), 2378-2404 KRASNOV, K., 2003. Black-hole thermodynamics and Riemann surfaces Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 20(PART 11), 2235-2250 KRASNOV, K., 2003. Twistors, CFT and Holography
KRASNOV, K., 2003. On holomorphic factorization in asymptotically AdS 3D gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 20(PART 18), 4015-4042 FREIDEL, L. and KRASNOV, K., 2002. The fuzzy sphere *-product and spin networks Journal of Mathematical Physics. VOL 43(PART 4), 1737-1754 KRASNOV, K., 2002. Analytic continuation for asymptotically AdS 3D gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 19(PART 9), 2399-2424 KRASNOV, K., 2001. Three-dimensional gravity, point particles and Liouville theory Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 18(PART 7), 1291-1304 HASHIMOTO, K. and KRASNOV, K., 2001. D-brane solutions in noncommutative gauge theory on fuzzy sphere Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 64(PART 4), 046007 ASHTEKAR, A., BAEZ, J. C. and KRASNOV, K., 2000. Quantum Geometry of Isolated Horizons and Black Hole Entropy Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. VOL 4(NUMB 1), 1-94
DE PIETRI, R., FREIDEL, L., KRASNOV, K. and ROVELLI, C., 2000. Barrett-Crane model from a Boulatov-Ooguri field theory over a homogeneous space Nuclear Physics. VOL 574(NUMBER 3), 785-806 FREIDEL, L. and KRASNOV, K., 2000. Simple spin networks as Feynman graphs Journal of Mathematical Physics. VOL 41(PART 4), 1681-1690 KRASNOV, K., 2000. Holography and Riemann Surfaces Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. VOL 4(NUMB 4), 929-980
KRASNOV, K., 1999. Quanta of geometry and rotating black holes Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 16(NUMBER 4), L15-L18 FREIDEL,L., KRASNOV,K. and PUZIO,R., 1999. BF description of higher dimensional gravity theories Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 3(5), 1289-1324 KRASNOV, K. V., 1999. Quantum geometry and thermal radiation from black holes Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 16(NUMBER 2), 563-578 FREIDEL,L. and KRASNOV,K., 1999. Spin foam models and the classical action principle Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 2, 1183-1247
FREIDEL, L. and KRASNOV, K., 1999. Discrete spacetime volume for three-dimensional BF theory and quantum gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. VOL 16(NUMBER 2), 351-362 ASHTEKAR, A., BAEZ, J., CORICHI, A. and KRASNOV, K., 1998. Quantum Geometry and Black Hole Entropy Physical Review Letters. VOL 80(NUMBER 5), 904-907 BAEZ, J. C. and KRASNOV, K. V., 1998. Quantization of diffeomorphism-invariant theories with fermions Journal of Mathematical Physics. VOL 39(NUMBER 3), 1251-1271 KRASNOV, K. and ASHTEKAR, A., 1998. Quantum Geometry and Black Holes. In: Black Holes, gravitational radiation and the universe 149-170
KRASNOV,K., 1998. Note on the area spectrum in quantum gravity Classical and Quantum Gravity. 15, L47-L53 CORICHI, A. and KRASNOV, K. V., 1998. Ambiguities in Loop Quantization: Area Vs. Electric Charge Modern Physics Letters A. VOL 13(NUMBER 17), 1339-1346 KRASNOV, K. V., 1998. On Quantum Statistical Mechanics of a Schwarzschild Black Hole General Relativity and Gravitation. VOL 30(NUMBER 1), 53-68 KRASNOV, K. V., 1997. Geometrical entropy from loop quantum gravity Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 55(NUMBER 6), 3505-3513 KRASNOV, K., 1996. Non-perturbative quantum gravity and the loop representation In: in the proceedings of the 7th School-Seminar on Recent Problems in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics.
KRASNOV, K. V., 1996. Quantum loop representation for fermions coupled to an Einstein-Maxwell field Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 53(NUMBER 4), 1874-1888