School of Mathematical Sciences

Exploiting network symmetries for analysis of dynamics on neural networks

Project description

Networks of interacting dynamical systems occur in a huge variety of applications including gene regulation networks, food webs, power networks and neural networks where the interacting units can be individual neurons or brain centres. The challenge is to understand how emergent network dynamics results from the interplay between local dynamics (the behaviour of each unit on its own), and the nature and structure of the interactions between the units.

Recent work has revealed that real complex networks can exhibit a large number of symmetries. Network symmetries can be used to catalogue the possible patterns of synchrony which could be present in the network dynamics, however which of these exist and are stable depends on the local dynamics and the nature of the interactions between units. Additionally, the more symmetry a network has the more possible patterns of synchrony it may possess. Computational group theory can be used to automate the process of identifying the spatial symmetries of synchrony patterns resulting in a catalogue of possible network cluster states.

This project will extend current methods for analysing dynamics on networks of (neural) oscillators through automating the process of determining possible phase relations between oscillators in large networks in addition to spatial symmetries. This will be used to investigate dynamics on coupled networks of simplified (phase-amplitude reduced or piecewise-linear) neuron and neural population models. We will also consider the effect on the network dynamics of introducing delays in the coupling between oscillators which will give a more realistic representation of interactions in real world networks.


Project published references

M Golubitsky and I Stewart (2016) Rigid patterns of synchrony for equilibria and periodic cycles in network dynamics Chaos 26, 094803

P Ashwin, S Coombes and R Nicks (2016) Mathematical frameworks for network dynamics in neuroscience. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience. 6:2.

B. D. MacArthur, R. J. Sanchez-Garcia and J.W. Anderson (2008) Symmetry in complex networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (18), 3525-3531

F Sorrentino, L M Pecora, A M Hagerstrom, T E Murphy, and R Roy (2016) Complete characterization of the stability of cluster synchronization in complex dynamical networks. Science Advances. 2, e1501737–e1501737.

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School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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