School of Mathematical Sciences

Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in a multidisciplinary study of asthmatic airway remodelling

Project description

Inflammation, airway hyperresponsiveness and airway remodelling are key characteristics of asthma, but it is unclear how they are interconnected. A recent comprehensive experimental in vivo asthma mouse study quantifying structural changes and how they relate to the inflammatory state in the airway, has generated an unprecedented amount of data to inform a mechanistic model airway remodelling in asthma [1].  Some parameter sets are well-defined from experimental data but others provide high levels of uncertainty in parameter value and model selection. This project seeks to understand how uncertainties in parameter estimation and model selection influence prediction, adding significant value to ongoing experiments, and dramatically increase the predictive power of the mechanistic model.


Project published references

M.R. Hill, C.J. Philp, C.K. Billington, A.L. Tatler, S.R. Johnson, R.D. O’Dea, B.S. Brook. A theoretical model of inflammation- and mechanotransduction- driven asthmatic airway remodelling, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2018

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School of Mathematical Sciences

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